
  • 网络Cercopithecidae;Ceropithecidae;Old World monkey
  1. 应用Moiré等高线对猴科和长臂猿科动物的股骨膝关节面的对比研究

    Comparative study of moire contour fringes of the femoral articular facies of knee between Cercopithecidae and Hylobatidae

  2. 卷尾猴是世界上最聪明的猴科动物,但奇怪的是,被囚禁的那些似乎比野生的更加聪明。

    Capuchins are the brainiest monkeys in the world , yet strangely those in captivity appear to be much smarter than those in the wild .

  3. 科尔切斯特动物园的一群山魈(猴科)也用相似的动作来表达逃避社交或独处的欲望。

    A group of mandrills at the Colchester Zoo has adopted a similar gesture to signal the desire to avoid social interaction or to be left alone .

  4. 鼯猴并不是狐猴,但鼯猴科的四个物种是灵长类动物最近的亲戚。

    The flying lemur is not alemur , but the four species of Cynocephalidae are the closes trelated family to primates .