
dú zī jīnɡ yínɡ
  • Sole proprietorship;individual proprietorship;solely foreign-owned business operation
  1. 最简单的一种商业形式被称作独资经营。

    The simplest form of business is called an individual proprietorship .

  2. 许多美国小型企业为独资经营。

    Most small businesses in the United States are individual proprietorships .

  3. 跨国公司在华独资经营现状。

    The present situation of MNCs ' investments in China .

  4. 跨国公司在华独资经营的发展历程;

    The history of MNCs ' investments in China ;

  5. 其士九江大酒店是由香港其士集团独资经营之四星级酒店。

    Four-star Chevalier Jiujiang Hotel , is managed by Chevalier Group , Hong Kong .

  6. 独资经营指未注册、只有一个股东的业务机构。

    Sole proprietorship a business organization that is unincorporated and has only one owner .

  7. 外国独资经营企业法

    Law on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises

  8. 独家经营/包销/代理协议独资经营一家便民商店

    Exclusivity agreement Run a convenience store with exclusive investment ; Be the sole owner of a convenience store

  9. 斯坦因(上海)工业炉有限公司成立于1999年,为独资经营的外商独资企业。

    Fives Stein ( Shanghai ) Industrial Furnace Co. , Ltd. , a foreign-owned enterprise was found in the year of1999 .

  10. 长沙花卉大世界是由长沙市人民政府规划,长沙市红星实业有限公司独资经营运作。

    Changsha Flowers World is planned by the people 's government of Changsha City and privately run by Changsha Hongxing Industrial Co.

  11. 三资企业(中外合资合作、外商独资经营)独资、合资或股份有限公司。

    Three kinds of enterprises with foreign investment : sino-foreign joint venture , contractual joint venture proprietorships , partnerships , or corporations .

  12. 独资经营方式在我国实际利用外商直接投资金额上由1983年的10.5%上升到2008年3月份的80%。

    The real using value from the FDI inflows in China has gone up to 80 % in March 2008 from 10.5 % in 1983 .

  13. 从重庆不同投资方式的利用效率上看,近几年来,外商独资经营方式在未来发展中,显示了极强的增长态势。

    From the utilization efficiency of different investment perspective in Chongqing recent years , foreign equity method shows strong growth in the future development . 3 .

  14. 结果表明:独资经营方式的增加,强化了外商直接投资对北京市的技术进步效应及产业结构升级效应,但减弱了外商直接投资对北京市的资本形成效应及就业增长效应。

    The result shows that more and more foreign wholly owned enterprises will contribute to the advance of science & technology and industrial structure in Beijing .

  15. 进一步放宽市场准入,缩减外资准入负面清单,允许更多领域实行外资独资经营。

    The government is going to relax market access and shorten the negative list for foreign investment , which should mean more access to foreign investment .

  16. 倘为独资经营公司,本表格必须由独资经营者或授权书内之授权人士签署。

    For Sole Proprietor , this Form needs to be signed by the Sole Proprietor or the authorised signatory ( ies ) stated in the letter of authorisation .

  17. 我们拟在中国宝鸡高新区设立独资经营企业(中国)有限公司。

    We Intends to set up Ltd , CHINA , an exclusively foreign-owned enterprise , in Baoji New and High-tech Industrial Development Zone of the Shaan'xi Province , China .

  18. 译美轩翻译有限公司是由德国人在中国武汉合法独资经营的翻译公司,公司致力于以合理的价格为广大客户提供优质顶尖的翻译服务。

    Logitope is a German-owned translation company legally registered in Wuhan , China with a clear mission : to provide the highest quality , state-of-the-art translation services at a competitive price .

  19. 随著外商独资经营领域放宽,外商独资企业和外商投资股份公司双双上升,中外合资、中外合作企业双双下降。

    With the broadening domain of sole proprietorship , both forneign ownership enterprise and foreign investment stock company raise up but drop down in Chinese-foreign joint venture and Chinese-foreign cooperation enterprise .

  20. 分析了公用事业由国有独资经营向公有制多种实现形式转化必须把握好的几个方面。

    Several aspects needed to be well dealt with in the conversion of PU from the exclusive state-financed and managed status to the realization of diversified forms of public ownership are analyzed .

  21. 除极少数必须由国家独资经营的企业外,积极推行股份制,发展混合所有制经济。

    Except for a tiny number of enterprises that must be funded solely by the state , all the others should introduce the joint-stock system to develop a mixed sector of the economy .

  22. 第五条独资经营的房产,房产权归独资经营者所有。

    Article 5 In the case of building property that is under the operation of a sole investor , the building property right shall belong to the operator who is the sole investor in the business .

  23. 二是中外合资企业中的外方通过对中方股权的收购实现独资化经营。

    Second , multinational companies through the acquisition of the equity of the Chinese in the Sino-foreign joint ventures achieve the Sole Proprietorship .

  24. 这主要是由于外商独资企业经营方式自主、灵活,因而备受外国投资者青睐;而中外合作企业受制于一些合作因素的干扰,使投资者成本大增加。

    This due to the self-determinated , flexibility ways of running are the most favours to foreign investor ; while being disturbed by some restriction , Chinese-foreign cooperation enterprise investor need to add up their cost greatly .

  25. 除以商号营业时需要登记投资人的真实姓名之外,一般对独资企业的经营没有正式要求。

    There are generally no formal requirements for operating in this form , other than registering the true name of the business owner if the business is conducted under a trade name .

  26. Z水电勘察公司是S企业的一家下属独资公司,主要经营水利水电勘察、水利水电测绘、检测监测,岩土设计及施工等,业务市场集中在国内水利水电勘察和东南亚国际勘察市场。

    Hydropower Reconnaissance Company Z which mainly engages in water conservancy and hydropower reconnaissance , surveying and mapping , detecting and monitoring , and geotechnical design and construction is a sole proprietorship affiliate of Enterprise S. The market scope covers domestic and Southeast Asia .

  27. 国有独资公司股东授权经营法律制度研究

    Research on the Authorized Operation Legal System of Solely State-Owned Company 's Shareholder

  28. 论国有独资商业银行内部经营管理体系的七大缺陷

    Seven Defects of Internal Operation and Management System for State-owned Proprietary Commercial Banks

  29. 跨国公司通过运用系统化投资策略、并购投资策略、控股和独资策略、本土化经营策略以及研发策略等,建立和发展其在华的竞争优势。

    Utilizing the strategies of systematic investment , mergers acquisitions , sole proprietorship , localization as well as research development , MNCs have developed their competitive advantages in China .

  30. 从目前的宏观和微观环境来说,外商在华直接投资总体上仍将以独资的方式为主,而外商在华独资经营带来的影响也不一而足。

    FDI will continue to choose wholly owned subsidiaries in China based on current macro and micro environment .