
  • 网络Discrete graphics;ati;pci-e;PCIE
  1. 就算最便宜的iMac内存中也带独立显卡,而基础配置的XPSOne是没有的。

    Even the cheapest iMac has a dedicated video card with its own memory , something the base XPS One lacks .

  2. 显卡:独立显卡是最好的,尤其是对Vista家庭高级版而言,但是预算有限的用户应该选择功能相对较低的“集成显卡”。

    Video : A separate , or'discrete , 'video card is best , especially for Vista Home Premium , but budget shoppers should stick with lesser'integrated graphics . '

  3. 电脑还随机带有可以夹在近(远)视眼镜上的3D眼镜。宏碁Aspire能配备英特尔酷睿2双核处理器、独立显卡、4G内存和320G硬盘。

    A clip-on piece for prescription glasses also comes with the laptop . The Acer Aspire can be loaded with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor , discrete graphics , 4 gigabytes of memory and a 320-gigabyte hard drive .

  4. 玩游戏的时候用独立显卡比较好。

    They also are better for games .

  5. 如果你觉得配置独立显卡的机器超出预算的话,你也可以选择集成显卡,它会占有主内存,功能也够强大。

    If you can 't afford this , look for an integrated graphics chip , which shares your main memory , that 's as powerful as possible .