
  • 网络Independent Will
  1. 我是一个有独立意志的自由人

    Jane : I am a free human being with an independent will ,

  2. 并建议从独立意志、法制观念、责任意识、文化水平、道德涵养以及心理因素六个方面提高职工代表的素质。

    It is suggested that improve the delegates ' qualities in aspect of independent will , law sense , responsibility , culture level , morality and psychology .

  3. 我国上市公司人格缺陷突出表现为上市公司无法形成独立意志、难以支配独立财产和无力承担独立责任。

    It mainly showed as listed companies can 't form independent idea , administrate independent property and assume independent obligation .

  4. 他的城市由那些意志摇摆不定、者独立意志的不死亡灵组成。

    His cities are populated only by Undead slaves , freed from the irritating habit of independent thinking or wavering obedience .

  5. 关联企业之间存在的控制和重大影响关系使公司无法保护其独立意志、独立财产和独立的责任。

    The controlling and great-affect relations among enterprise distract the company from the independence of their willingness , property and responsibility .

  6. 我不是笼中之鸟,我是一个有独立意志的自由之人。

    I 'm not caged bird . I 'm a free human being , independent with a will of my own .

  7. 如果您的公司的成功是一群有独立意志的贡献者所做的话,那么引入一项需要大量合作的过程的话,这种组合很可能毁于交流不善良。

    If your organization has been successful with a group of independent-minded contributors , introducing a process that requires more collaboration and communication may fail with such a group .

  8. 周扬的是非功过与他缺乏独立意志的个人性格有关,更与党内当时不断趋“左”的政治气候有关。

    His bias could be ascribed to his lack of an independent will and to his personality and , moreover , to the political climate of growing leftism within the CPC .

  9. 从关联交易协议的达成到履行完毕,只体现了当事人单方的意志,公司的独立意志被过滤了。

    From the achievement to the implement of the related transactions agreements , the independent will of the company is filtered , and only the will of the parties concerned is embodied .

  10. 非法人团体是指具有独立意志和可支配性财产,并能以自己的名义对外参与民事活动,但又不具有法人资格的自然人组成的有机体。

    Non-incorporator society should be the natural society with its own will , property-managing and civil relationships created in its own name , but in hasn 't the legal position of corporation .

  11. 所谓忧世之怀,是指对现实存在的忧患之情。中国文人独立意志支配下的忧患意识和自觉意识,是中国古典文学悲剧精神的主要特点,它与儒家哲学相联系。

    The tragic spirit of Chinese classical literature is characterized by worrying consciousness and voluntary consciousness , which are controlled by the independent will of Chinese intellectuals and are connected with the Confucian philosophy .

  12. 在原则问题上,鲁迅的思想行为是由高度理性的独立意志决定的,这是鲁迅决不会失去的个性,也是鲁迅之为鲁迅的根本特点。

    In the questions of principle , Lu Xun s thoughts and behavior are decided by the independent resolution of high rationality , which is the key characteristic explaining why Lu Xun is Lu Xun and his firm individuality .

  13. 他的思想世界是传统知识分子自由之思想、独立之意志的精神血脉在当代的延续。

    His spiritual world is full of " free ideas & independent will " of traditional intellectuals .

  14. 他们非常勇敢,因此会多少有点不听话,特别在捕猎的时候,具有独立的意志。

    They are very brave , somewhat stubborn , and have an independent tendency , especially when hunting .

  15. 第二节主要是介绍了中外学者对法人犯罪的概念的界定,并由此得出法人自身独立的意志和行为,是法人犯罪构成的重要内容。

    The second section primarily introduce the define of corporation crime which bring up by Chinese and foreign scholar .

  16. 它以其独立的意志、价值标准来影响社会、构建社会、引导社会。

    TV sports spread its independence will affect the community values , build community , to guide the community .

  17. 自然科学客观实验的探究模式是建立在其研究对象的非个性化特点基础之上的,而非个性化的基础在于客观对象不存在独立的意志。

    Objective experimental research model of natural science is built on the non-individualized of the research object , which is based on objective object without free will .

  18. 司法是实现社会正义的最后一道防线,是审判人员依其独立的意志和判断,将法律运用于具体程序的过程。

    Judicature is the last defense of the social justice , a processs in which by judges practice the law by their free will and independent judgement .

  19. 上天赋予你自我意识,创造性想象力、良知、独立、意志和各种才智。

    " A " is for acknowledging or apprecitaing your value as a person , gifted with endowments of self-awareness , creative imagination , conscience , independence , will and multiple intelligence .

  20. 中国现代小说书写了女性因掌握了经济权而具有独立的意志和人格,从而在两性关系中掌握着充分的主动权;也书写了女性争取经济权的艰难过程及经济独立后的悲剧性命运。

    Chinese modern novel wrote the female had independent will and personality because they grasped the economic power , and grasped full initiative in both sexes ' relations . It also wrote the difficult process which the female strive for the economic power and the tragic destiny after autarchy .

  21. 文化主权并不否定经济主权和政治主权,它所要强调的是它已经是一种独立的主权意志,而不再只是被看作后两者的掩饰和伪装。

    Culture sovereignty does not deny economic sovereignty and political sovereignty . We put emphasis on culture sovereignty because it is an independent sovereign will .

  22. 当今时代的诗歌中体现着民间的精神、立场和价值取向,具体说来,就是诗歌中体现着艺术的独立品格、自由意志、创造精神;

    In the present era , poetry is manifesting the folk spirit , the standpoint and the value orientation , specifically speaking , is in the poetry is manifesting the artistic independent character , the free will , the creation spirit ;

  23. 他提出了绝圣弃智的道德认识论、无知无欲的道德情感论、独立自由的道德意志论和自然无为的道德行为论。

    He advocated the " no saint disposable unwise " moral epistemology , " no desire and ignorance " theory of moral sentiments , " independence and freedom " moral voluntarism and " nature and inaction " theory of ethical conduct .

  24. 在我国未来的民法典中,集体所有权应当是蕴涵了主体独立、平等、意志自由等私法价值理念的真正意义上的财产所有权,行政权力对集体财产不必要的束缚应逐步解除;

    In our country 's future Civil Code , collective proprietorship should be regarded as genuine proprietorship which connotes certain fundamental values and ideals of private law , including independence of subject , equality in status as well as autonomy of will .

  25. 凡是具有独立人脑、具有独立的意志以及确定为一定的社会角色的连体人个体,都应当具有独立的法律人格。

    Any entity of the Siamese twins , so long as they possesses separate brains , reveal independent wills , and assume definable social roles , should enjoy independent legal personality .