
Some students wanted to know how the CEOs started their in-house careers as entrepreneurs from an entry-level position directly after graduation .
The project emphasizes creativity and innovation over cost efficiency , and has served as a way for young architects to launch themselves as independent designers .
But Mr Bezos applied what he calls a " regret minimisation framework " , imagining whether , as an 80-year-old looking back , he would regret the decision not to strike out on his own .
In order to strengthen their social ability and to train their independent personality , I think , for their educational management , we should use the new mode of net-work management with the surrounding fact of their growing .
The top half of the chart shows executives who work at companies that are still independent , and the bottom half of the chart shows alums whose companies have been acquired .
Based on the background of enterprise , launching enterprise education in independent college is not only necessary , but also has many favorable conditions .
PaaS application developer : The developer controls all the applications found in a full business life cycle created and hosted by independent software vendors , startups , or units of large businesses .
These indicate that culture influence team entrepreneurship independently .
Students in independent colleges have positive attitudes towards starting up a business , and their various expectations show great differences in aspect of career maturity . 3 .