
shòu liè zhènɡ
  • Hunting certificate;hunting permit
  1. 在狩猎证核发的本体构建基础完成后,运用Protege软件来进行狩猎证核发本体知识的建模。

    In a hunting license issued by the foundation ontology construction is completed , the use of software to a hunting license issued by the Protege ontology modeling .

  2. 猎捕非国家重点保护野生动物的,必须取得狩猎证,并且服从猎捕量限额管理。

    Anyone who intends to hunt or catch wildlife that is not under special state protection must obtain a hunting license and observe the hunting quota assigned .

  3. 确定以构建狩猎证核发子系统本体知识模型,并实现狩猎证核发的明确化、标准化、标准化及共享化为目标,建模范围为野生动植物管理信息系统狩猎证核发子系统。

    Building a hunting license issued by the sub-ontology model , and to achieve a hunting license issued by the clear , standardization , standardization and sharing into a target , modeling the range of management information system for wildlife hunting license issued by the subsystem .

  4. 从欧盟微软案析欧盟竞争法对支配地位滥用行为的规制第十九条猎捕者应当按照特许猎捕证、狩猎证规定的种类、数量、地点和期限进行猎捕。

    The Regulation on Abuse of Dominant Position Analyzed Article 19 Anyone engaged in the hunting or catching of wildlife shall observe the prescriptions in his special hunting and catching license or his hunting license with respect to the species , quantity , area and time limit .

  5. 针对林业应用系统所独具的特点,以广州野生动植物管理信息系统为案例,做出其狩猎证核发的本体知识模型,并将模型文档化,生成其树状结构图、实现可视化查询,最后进行讨论。

    For forestry application system of the unique characteristics of wild animals and plants in Guangzhou as a case management information system to make it a hunting license issued by the ontology model and the model is documented , generating the tree structure to achieve visual query Finally , discussion .

  6. 詹姆士没有申办狩猎许可证。

    James Jasper didn 't purchase a hunting iicence .

  7. 当警察问到他为什么猎鹿时,他拿出了一份狩猎许可证。

    He took out a permit to hunt when the policeman asked why he hunted the deer .

  8. 从“点一分熟的牛排”、“不要着说三道四”、“在房间的角落里哭”到“考个狩猎许可证”,有些建议听起来挺正常,有的看起来则有点……不大靠谱。

    From ordering rare steaks and no gossiping to crying in a corner of the room and getting a hunting license , some of these tips sound like common sense , and some seem to be ... questionable .

  9. 因没有给狩猎权确立法律地位导致诸多问题:狩猎权主体规定不完备、客体不明确、狩猎证的规定过于笼统等。

    Many problems caused by the lack of legal status the hunting right , such as the main provisions of hunting rights shall not complete , the object is not clear and the hunting license is too general .