
  • 网络Dixon;Dixons;Dickson
  1. 狄克逊监督项目的创意总监设计研究工作室

    Dixon oversaw the project as creative director of Design Research Studio .

  2. 狄克逊的Beat灯具系列设计成各种不同高度的悬挂式吊灯束,宛如美仑美奂的风景画。

    Dixon 's Beat collection is designed to be hung in a cluster of varying heights to resemble a landscape .

  3. 结果利用MATLAB数学软件编制的狄克逊结式消元和同伦算法的数学机械化程序,得到Delta型并联机构位置问题的全部数学解。

    Results The complete mathematical solution of Delta parallel mechanism site was gotten by Matlab software .

  4. 打造带有超强剪影的灯具是汤姆•狄克逊(TomDixon)的拿手绝活——他是多盏吊灯及运用铜材的流行时尚引领者。

    Creating statements with a strong silhouette is what Tom Dixon does best - he has led the trend for multiple pendant lights and the use of copper and brass .

  5. 打造带有超强剪影的灯具是汤姆•狄克逊(TomDixon)的拿手绝活&他是多盏吊灯及运用铜材的流行时尚引领者。

    Creating statements with a strong silhouette is what Tom Dixon does best & he has led the trend for multiple pendant lights and the use of copper and brass .

  6. 与蔡秀焱一样,ASB的狄克逊说,内地买家提出的更高价格对该行业内的一些公司来说构成了挑战。

    Like Mr. Choi , Mr. Dixon of ASB said higher prices offered by mainland buyers are a challenge for some in the industry .

  7. ASB生物柴油(ASBBiodiesel)首席执行长狄克逊(AnthonyDixon)说,这个面积18000平方英尺(约合1672平方米)的工厂本月投入运营,它将成为全球十多个此类工厂之一。

    When the 18 , 000-square-foot plant begins operating this month , it will be one of about a dozen globally of its kind , says ASB Biodiesel CEO Anthony Dixon .

  8. 狄克逊表现出容易发抖和摇晃。

    Dixon had been showing a disposition to tremble and stagger .

  9. 狄克逊说着,对玛格丽特的烟和同情非常感激。

    Dixon said , grateful for nicotine and support of Margaret .

  10. 狄克逊心里想着,不知道韦尔奇是否听到他在咬牙切齿。

    Dixon wondered if Welch could hear him grinding his teeth .

  11. 等狄克逊和沃恩捉住瑞姆斯的时候通知我。

    Let me know when Dixon and Vaughn have secured raimes .

  12. 这时狄克逊应在楼外。

    By this time , Dixon should have exited the building .

  13. 狄克逊在住院,你只能只身前往了。

    While dixon 's in recovery , you 'll go it alone .

  14. 你也不知道狄克逊有备用的。

    You had no way of knowing Dixon had a second trigger .

  15. 狄克逊,你就负责这个。

    Dixon , you 're on point for this one .

  16. 狄克逊只是个计划的零头,威克斯勒死了。

    Dixon , change of plans . wexler 's dead .

  17. 狄克逊的任务到底是什么?

    What exactly is the nature of dixon 's assignment ?

  18. 告诉了他我要把狄克逊带回汉威。

    Told him that I 'd dragged Dixon back to the humvee .

  19. 一股强烈的恐怖感突然朝狄克逊袭来。

    A sudden douche of terror then squirted itself all over Dixon .

  20. 狄克逊并不在乎引文的晦涩难解。

    Dixon didn 't mind the obscurity of the reference .

  21. 狄克逊,沃恩,你们去那里进行监视。

    Dixon , vaughn , you 'll run surveillance on that location .

  22. 狄克逊想着,每个人都应不失良机地纵情欢乐。

    Dixon thought , each must enjoy himself as and when he can .

  23. 好了,狄克逊那条船安全了。

    Okay , dixon , the boat 's secure .

  24. 基于狄克逊特工的目击事实。

    Based on the eyewitness account from agent dixon .

  25. 狄克逊,发现什么马上打电话给我,好吗?

    Dixon , will you call me if you find anything ? Okay .

  26. 我派狄克逊和沃恩去找麦克拉。

    I 'll put Dixon and Vaughn on mccullough .

  27. 狄克逊为什么给我发邮件,他又不认识我。

    Why is Dixon sending me e-mail ? He doesn 't know me .

  28. 我已经派狄克逊去查出他的藏身地点。

    I 'm tasking Dixon to locate his whereabouts .

  29. 狄克逊的父亲是汽车经纪人。

    Dixon 's father is a car dealer .

  30. 我更希望狄克逊是我的拍档。

    I 'd prefer Dixon as my partner .