
kuánɡ rè zhě
  • zealot;fanatic;energumen
  1. 乔布斯在读过20世纪初出生在德国的营养学狂热者阿诺德·埃雷特(ArnoldEhret)所著的《非黏液饮食治疗学》一书后,饮食习惯变得更加怪异。

    Jobs 's dietary habits became even more obsessive when he read Mucusless Diet Healing System by Arnold Ehret , an early twentieth-century German-born nutrition fanatic .

  2. 尽管Ursula本人很喜欢跑步,但她坚称自己不是那种健身狂热者。

    While Ursula herself says she likes running , she insists that she is not a crazy fitness fanatic .

  3. 宗教狂热者对社会和谐构成切实威胁。

    Religious fanatics are a real danger to social harmony .

  4. 你不必成为一名健身狂热者,就能看到锻炼让身体产生的变化。

    You don 't have to be a gym bunny to start seeing some changes in your body .

  5. 几乎每个人都接触过Facebook,这其中包括Web开发人员、业务经理和社交狂热者。

    Almost everyone has a presence on Facebook , including Web developers , business managers , and social geeks .

  6. 我能说旅游我拿过HP狂热者旅行是优良的。

    I can say the tour I took through HP Fan Trips was excellent .

  7. 在这个由关于Applebot(苹果(Apple)的网络爬虫——译者注)的议论和硅谷(SiliconValley)狂热者主导的商业世界里,马尔凯蒂是个异类。

    In a commercial world dominated by chatter about Applebot and Silicon Valley evangelists , Marchetti is an exception .

  8. HP狂热者旅行正在对于17和资深者群众今年提供特别的伦敦旅行。

    HP Fan Trips is offering a special London trip this year for the17 and older crowd .

  9. 不过对像我这样的科技狂热者来说,买不买第一代AppleWatch根本不用问,非买不可。

    At the other end of the spectrum are tech junkies like me for whom a first-generation Apple Watch isn 't a question at all , but an inevitability .

  10. 如果愿意,LFS狂热者们可以创建自动化的安装。

    If preferred , LFS enthusiasts can create automated installations .

  11. 狂热者能投给整个者藉由在五月19日之前在线拜访MTV奖赏投票页提名的了“2006个MTV电影奖赏”的演员阵容。

    Fans can vote for the entire nominated cast of the " 2006 MTV Movie Awards " by visiting the MTV Awards Online Voting Page before May19th .

  12. 本周三是世界地球日。就前美国航空暨太空总署太空人埃德加-米契尔和其他UFO狂热者而言,真实的事件正发生于某些地方。

    Earth Day may fall later this week , but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned , the real story is happening elsewhere .

  13. 毕竟,斯里兰卡的坦米尔人分裂者,泰米尔猛虎组织(LTTE),是一个大的恐怖主义和暗杀的狂热者。

    After all , the Tamil rebels in Sri Lanka , the LTTE , were big fans of terrorism and assassination .

  14. 他们焦急地注意到越过这个区域的发展,该区域是可能想要模仿salaf的方法的清教徒式的运动狂热者的萨拉菲斯特运动(salafistmovement),salaf是伴随在先知的“前任”。

    They note anxiously the advance across the region of a Salafist movement of puritanical zealots who supposedly want to imitate the ways of the salaf , the " predecessors " who accompanied the prophet himself .

  15. 虽然我们不是度量分析的狂热者,比如,代码行陈述(SLOCs),但是在这个例子中度量分析的确是很有趣的。

    Although we aren 't usually fans of metrics such as statement-lines-of-code ( SLOCs ), they were certainly interesting in this case ( see Error ! Reference source not found . ) .

  16. 这款铂金蛋糕是由日本糕点大师NobueIkara设计制作的,售价仅为130000美元,这一款甜品可以说是圆了铂金狂热者的梦。

    Created by a Japanese pastry chef named Nobue Ikara , the Platinum Cake rings in at the tiny price of $ 130,000 , and is any platinum lover 's dream .

  17. 就如我现在已经在HP5上完成并且正要休息一下的,我想要你我的新狂热者有副本邮件将会与来自明年的开始一个新的时事通讯一起送出的相片。

    As I have now finished on HP5 and am about to take a break , I wanted you to have a copy of my new fan mail photo which will be sent out with a new newsletter from the beginning of next year .

  18. 也许你是一位太空狂热者(或许你娶的这位是这样的人)。

    You may be a Space Geek ( and marrying one ) .

  19. 《命令与征服》的狂热者。

    Command what is yours , conquer what is not .

  20. 事实是,我最后成为了一名狂热者。

    The thing is , I 've ended up becoming an enthusiast .

  21. 警方出色地使狂热者们保持了冷静。

    The police did an admirable job in keeping the fans calm .

  22. 狂热者好比骑着疯马。

    A man in a passion rides a mad horse .

  23. 狂热者们会在这一天举行盛大的聚会来表示庆祝。

    Fans gather for large parties in celebration of the big game .

  24. 狂热者宗教狂热者威胁到世界的和平

    fanatic ( n. ) Religious fanatics threaten world peace .

  25. 塞缪尔亚当是一个美国独立的热情狂热者。

    Samuel Adams was a passionate devotee of American independence .

  26. 突变体和超级英雄满足不了电影狂热者。

    Movie goers can 't get enough of mutants and super heroes .

  27. 他非常好并且真的感激狂热者。

    He 's very good and really appreciates the fans .

  28. 把核弹交给一些宗教狂热者手里?

    Placing nukes in the hands of baby-faced fanatics ?

  29. 一个狂热者常常有不合理和错误的信仰,尤其是在宗教方面。

    A fanatic often has unreasonable and mistaken beliefs , especially in religion .

  30. 麦考莱把查理二世描写为无信义的狂热者。

    Macaulay represents Charles II as a faithless fanatic .