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  • synagogues
  1. 基督教堂和犹太教堂也大量邀请伊玛目到教堂讲经。

    Churches and synagogues deluged imams with speaking requests .

  2. 哈尔滨有许多俄式教堂和犹太教堂。

    There are many Russian churches and synagogues in harbin .

  3. 7.synagoguen.犹太教堂犹太教徒的聚会给其成员提供相互认识和建立友谊的机会。

    The synagogue provides members an opportunity to meet and develop friendship .

  4. 二世纪仍然有这些犹太教堂。

    And these Jewish churches are still there in the second century .

  5. 有些人插上巴勒斯坦旗帜,还有一些人开始捣毁被放弃的犹太教堂。

    Some planted Palestinian flags , while others began destroying abandoned synagogues .

  6. 寺庙、真寺、督教堂及犹太教堂都是奉献给神的建筑物。

    Temples , mosques , churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings .

  7. 如果有犹太教堂被杀,我们抱歉。

    If there are synagogues burning , we 're sorry .

  8. 犹太教及其在中国的传播与哈尔滨的犹太教和犹太教堂

    Judaism and Its Dissemination in China and Judaism and Jewish Church in Harbin

  9. 你父亲想让大家都去犹太教堂。

    Your father wants everyone to go to shul .

  10. 城里有两座天主教堂和两座犹太教堂。

    There were two Catholic churches and two synagogues .

  11. 犹太教堂中的最里面的最核心的地方。

    Innermost chamber of the Jewish Tabernacle and temple .

  12. 我的工程师已经准备好炸掉犹太教堂了。

    My engineers have prepared dynamiting the Jewish synagogue .

  13. 我们是去教堂,犹太教堂、清真寺还是寺庙?

    Do we belong to a church , synagogue , mosque or temple ?

  14. 我们的第一所房子在犹太教堂附近。

    Our first house was near a synagogue .

  15. 对犹太人来说,犹太教堂是其共同信奉与学习的中心。

    For jews , the synagogue is the centre for community worship and study .

  16. 目前在哈尔滨仍保存着东亚犹太人最大的犹太教堂。

    At present the biggest Jewish church in East Asia is still remained in Harbin .

  17. 在周五的袭击过后,西雅图官方已增加了犹太教堂和清真寺的安全保障。

    Authorities in Seattle have increased security around synagogues and mosques after a shooting friday .

  18. 参与者每周至少去一次礼拜堂、犹太教堂或清真寺。

    Participants went to a church , synagogue , or mosque at least once a week .

  19. 城里这么多犹太教堂,你偏偏走进我这间

    Out of all the synagogues in all the cities , you had to walk into mine .

  20. 过去的犹太教堂已被翻新成漂亮的博物馆,但周围的街道依然破旧。

    The old synagogue has been beautifully restored as a museum , but the surrounding streets are shabby .

  21. 西格尔:两名巴勒斯坦人在一个犹太教堂发动袭击,造成四名以色列人死亡,这是人们在为他们祈祷。

    SIEGEL : Prayers for four Israelis killed in an attack by two Palestinian men on a synagogue .

  22. 美国犹太教堂联合会

    United Synagogues of America

  23. 那里携带武器的巴勒斯坦人怎么会在犹太人聚居的西耶路撒冷地区袭击犹太教堂呢?

    How is it that armed Palestinians from there managed to attack a synagogue in Jewish West Jerusalem ?

  24. 在委内瑞拉首都卡拉卡斯,一支武装力量在犹太教堂内涂抹反犹标语并造成破坏。

    An armed group damaged and defaced with anti-Semitic slogans the main synagogue in Caracas , Venezuela ' scapital .

  25. 一个波兰籍的犹太教教士漫步通过西部去旧金山,他将管理那里的一间犹太教堂。

    A Polish rabbi wanders through the Old West on his way to lead a synagogue in San Francisco .

  26. 当我们尊重我们在教堂、犹太教堂、清真寺和寺庙践行的各种信仰时,我们会更安全。

    When we respect the faiths practiced in our churches and synagogues , our mosques and our temples , were more secure .

  27. 一家犹太教堂发生致命袭击事件,以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡回应称要赢下“耶路撒冷之战”。

    Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to win a " battle for Jerusalem " following a deadly attack on a synagogue .

  28. 旁观者回忆说,当纪翰·保罗二世在犹太教堂发表演讲时,他时常情难自持。

    Onlookers recall that when he delivered his speech in the synagogue , John Paul ⅱ at times seemed close to breaking down .

  29. 在小市镇或农村地区,你大概只能见到基督教堂和犹太教堂。

    However , rather understandably , in smaller towns or farm areas , you will probably find only Christian churches and Jewish synagogues .

  30. 之所以如此特殊,是因为这是个在家里,在餐桌旁,由一家人见证的节日,而不是在犹太教堂里。

    What 's special is that it 's observed not in the synagogue but at home , around the table , as a family .