
  • 网络The Holocaust
  1. 当时希特勒就是在这座建筑里决定发起第二次世界大战和犹太人大屠杀(theHolocaust)。该总理府花园底下就是地堡,希特勒最后就是在这里自杀的。

    This was the building where the decisions leading to World War II and the Holocaust were made , and beneath the chancellery 's gardens was the bunker complex in which Hitler would finally commit suicide .

  2. 汉克·札诺里曾在犹太人大屠杀时期救助过犹太人。

    Henk Zanoli , who helped save Jews from the Holocaust .

  3. 左右的邻居都是犹太人大屠杀的幸存者。

    His neighbors on either side were Holocaust survivors .

  4. 曾被视为禁忌的看法(如否认犹太人大屠杀)正在一点点回到人们的谈话中。

    Taboo sentiments , such as Holocaust denial , are seeping back into the conversation .

  5. 教授终于插嘴解释:“人们常常把它当作犹太人大屠杀的一个主要例子。”

    Their professor finally interjected : " It 's usually used as the big example of the Holocaust . "

  6. 现在,别墅旁边的空地上正在筹划修建一个犹太人大屠杀博物馆。

    Today , plans are in the works to build a Holocaust museum in a lot adjacent to the villa .

  7. 从我还是个小孩子起,我就一直想要了解更多有关“犹太人大屠杀”的事情。

    I went there to learn more about something that had fascinated me since I was a teenager : the Holocaust .

  8. 在1938年对犹太人大屠杀后,我的两个舅舅也逃离了德国,去北美洲避难。

    After the pogroms in 1938 my two uncles ( my mother 's brothers ) fled Germany , finding safe refuge in North America .

  9. 他直接导致了二战和犹太人大屠杀的爆发,导致了成万上亿人民的痛苦和死亡。

    Hitler was directly responsible for World War II and the Holocaust , events which led to the suffering and deaths of tens of millions of people .

  10. 该书最初的章节生动地描绘了她的童年,她出生于二战后,童年在布鲁塞尔度过,家境富足,经历过犹太人大屠杀的父母对她宠爱有加。

    The early pages paint a vivid picture of a privileged postwar childhood in Brussels , raised by loving parents , traumatised by their experiences in the Holocaust .

  11. 汉娜·阿伦特有一部作品讲述的是审判阿道夫·艾希曼(组织犹太人大屠杀的凶手之一)。基塔伊在1970年代初拜读这部作品之后,便开始十分重视自己的犹太身份,甚至沉迷其中。

    Kitaj 's obsessive concern with his Jewishness started in the early 1970s , after he read Hannah Arendt 's account of the trial of Adolf Eichmann , one of the organisers of the Holocaust .

  12. 世界没有阻止欧洲犹太人遭遇大屠杀。

    The world did not prevent the Holocaust of European Jewry .

  13. 六分之一的儿童认为奥斯威辛集中营是二战时期的一座主题公园,二十人中有一人称,(犹太人)大屠杀是战争结束时的一次庆祝活动。

    An done in six youngsters said they thought Auschwitz was a Second World War theme park while one in 20 said the Holocaust was a celebration at the end of the war .