
  1. 加快特色工业园区建设推动区域工业产业升级

    Developing the construction of special economical zone , upgrading the regional industry

  2. 产业集群视角下的重庆特色工业园区发展研究

    On the Development of Characteristic Industrial Parks in Chongqing from Clusters Perspective

  3. 基于新型工业化的长春汽车特色工业园区发展研究

    The Development of Automobile Industrial Park with Changchun Characteristics on the New Industrialization

  4. 重庆市特色工业园区主导产业对经济增长影响研究

    The Study of Characteristics Industrial Parks Leading Industry 's Effect on Economy Growth in Chongqing

  5. 重庆市特色工业园区布局探讨温州市工业园区布局调整初探

    Exploration of Distribution of Special Economical Zone in Chongqing Probe into the Composition Adjusting of Industrial Parks in Wenzhou

  6. 工业区[英国],工业园[美国]产业集群视角下的重庆特色工业园区发展研究

    " industrial estate [ UK ] , park [ USA ] " On the Development of Characteristic Industrial Parks in Chongqing from Clusters Perspective

  7. 同时,通过文献阅读、二手资料查询、大量的企业调研、访谈和问卷研究为浙江省特色工业园区的可持续发展提供了一些建议。

    At the same time , we would provide some suggestions for special ID sustainable development through literature reading , interview and questionnaire survey .

  8. 近年来,重庆市特色工业园区在产业集聚方面也发挥了积极的作用,促进了重庆经济的发展。

    In the recent years , special economic zones in Chongqing also acted positively to boost the economic development in terms of enterprise agglomeration .

  9. 最后,文章对重庆花溪特色工业园区应如何建立竞争优势作了案例设计,具体阐述了工业园区应怎样建立竞争优势的思路。

    At last , Article make Chongqing huaxi characteristic industrial zone which should how to set up competition advantage a case to explain the thoughts of setting up competition advantage in industrial zone concretely .

  10. 绍兴市纺织产业集群整体规模大,其典型特征表现为:产业链较为完整,区际分工明显,专业市场依托相关产业发展,产业发展依托新的地域空间&特色工业园区。

    These clusters are of large scale , and their specific characters are as follows : complete industrial chain , special market depending on related industry , the development of textile industry depending on special industry park .

  11. 在英国萨里郡一个偏远的、毫无特色的工业园区,你不会料到会在这里遇见某人&他在不久之前还是英国政府胸怀大志的高官之一。

    A nondescript industrial park in deepest Surrey is not the place you would expect to find someone who , until recently , was one of the government 's high-fliers .

  12. 针对西安市工业园区存在的问题,以循环经济理念和工业生态学为指导,分升级改造型、全新规划型、虚拟生态工业园区三种类型构建了具有西安特色的生态型工业园区框架体系。

    Aim at the problems of industry parks in Xi'an , under the guidance of circular economy conception and industrial ecology , the author put forward three types of Ecological Industrial Park : upgrade and reconstruction model , bran-new planning model , virtual Ecological Industrial Park .

  13. 都市型工业园区的发展具有地域性、阶段性等特征,提高用地效益、增强科技含量、强化经营特色是都市型工业园区的发展趋势。

    Improving land usage and technology level as well as strengthening characteristic management is the trend of urban industrial zone development .

  14. 实现县域经济全面、协调、可持续发展,必须建立科学的县域经济工业体系,实行工业园区化、园区产业化、产业特色化,把工业园区打造成为县域经济增长极。

    Industrial section should be erected and industrialization of industrial section should be carried out to form industry with its own features thus making industrial section become growth pole of county economy .