
  1. 古代诗文中人物的一些特殊称谓

    PERSONAGE Characters'Special Appellations in Old Poems and Essays

  2. 第一民族,是对加拿大印第安人及其后裔的特殊称谓。

    First Nations , is the special and typical name for those native people of Canada and their descendants .

  3. 我对于这个要求的称谓并不那么肯定,对于它的特殊称谓就更不确定了。

    I am not altogether sure of its title to that claim , still less of its unique title to it .

  4. 对此现象进行逐类诠释说明,有助于人们了解古代人名称谓的一般规律,正确分辨古诗文中人名的特殊称谓,避免曲解或误解。

    It 's purpose is to help people know the general regularity of those appellations and differentiate them correctly so that they can avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding .

  5. 绰号也称诨号、混号,是一种特殊的称谓语。

    Nicknames are one kind of special addressing terms .

  6. 海东汉族几例特殊亲属称谓制度探微

    On the Kinship Terminology

  7. 在所有适于刊登在家庭小报上的特殊社会经济学称谓当中,有一个曾风靡于二十世纪八九十年代的词在进入了二十一世纪之后逐渐没落了,那就是“雅皮士”(yuppie)。

    Of all the family-newspaper-appropriate socioeconomic slurs , one that was ubiquitous in the 1980s and " 90s is slowly on its way out in this millennium : yuppie .

  8. 第二部分实践哲学的基本内容,概括为四个方面:实践哲学对马克思主义的特殊理解和称谓、实践哲学的核心实践一元论、实践哲学的政治观、实践哲学的历史观。

    The second part focuses on the basic content of fulfillment philosophy , which is composed of four parts : fulfillment philosophy which is a special interpretation and nomination of Marxism ; the core of fulfillment philosophy which is fulfillment monism ;