
  1. Eclipse提供的插件没有使用秘密的后门或者特殊的服务,它们仅仅是插件。

    Eclipse-provided plug-ins use no secret backdoor or special service ; they are just regular plug-ins .

  2. 因此,网络附加存储(NAS,NetworkAttachedStorage)技术应运而生。网络附加存储是一种专门用来为客户系统提供特殊存储服务的专用操作系统或应用系统。

    Therefore , the NAS ( Network Attached Storage ) technologies is a specialized system for customers to provide special services for storage operating system or applications .

  3. DAS是一种特殊的服务,支持GUI工具并帮助完成管理任务。

    The DAS is a special service that supports the GUI tools and assists with administration tasks .

  4. 云的上下都是特殊的服务(比如数据库存储器和HTTP服务器),前后一致地交付消息需要这些服务。

    Above and below the cloud are special services such as the database storage and HTTP servers required to deliver the message coherently .

  5. 其中的许多协议需要为调用定义特殊的服务质量(QoS)参数,比如在某些情况下支持安全性。

    Many of these protocols require special quality of service ( QoS ) parameters to be defined for the invocation , such as enabling security in certain situations .

  6. 本卡的持有者将得到特殊的服务。

    The holder of that card will receive special service .

  7. 学校心理辅导是一种特殊的服务过程。

    School psychology guidance is a special service progress .

  8. 但功能是一种特殊的服务产品,还有一些特殊的性质。

    However , operating function is a special product with its special property .

  9. 下葵涌分科诊所及特殊教育服务中心

    Ha Kwai Chung Polyclinic and Special Education Services Centre

  10. 在这些旅店还有一些特殊的服务。

    There are other special services at these hotels .

  11. 为一个特殊目的服务而设计和创造。

    Designed and constructed to serve a particular purpose .

  12. 他们提供非常特殊的服务

    Exactly . They provide a very special service .

  13. 操作弹性是指公司处理特殊客户服务需求的能力。

    Operational flexibility refers to a firm 's ability to handle extraordinary customer service requests .

  14. 除非必须运行特殊的服务,否则应当禁用该服务。

    Unless it is necessary that you run a particular service , you should disable it .

  15. 联邦法律要求公立学校通过特殊教育服务和个体化方案帮助有障碍的学生。

    Federal law requires public schools to help disabled students through special education services and individualized programs .

  16. 我们还为那些不想直接回家的游客提供特殊的服务。

    There are also special offers for people who don 't want to go straight home afterwards .

  17. 最简洁的答案就是:那些在特殊行业服务并拥有被需求技能的人才。

    The short answer : People whose skills are in demand because they serve a particular strategic purpose .

  18. 随着市场经济在我国的全面发展,特殊医疗服务在医疗服务中的地位日趋重要。

    With the development of market economy in our country , the demands on special medical services are increasing .

  19. 此外,进一步分析此复杂系统的主程序流程和特殊中断服务的实现过程。

    Furthermore , the main program flow and the interrupt - processing program of this complex system are analyzed .

  20. 相对于包括一起的总许可证协议而言,这些协议合同是为了特殊的服务与协商安排而制定的。

    These agreement contracts are written for specific services or consulting arrangements as opposed to the all-inclusive blanket licensing agreement .

  21. 作为移动互联网中特殊的服务,其承载多个具有不同安全性的业务。

    As a special service in the mobile Internet , unified authentication hosts a number of services with different security .

  22. 基于以往关于饭店企业竞争优势的有关研究,本文尝试将价值链理论应用于饭店业这一特殊的服务行业。

    Based on the former studies , the paper will try to apply the theory of value chain into hotel industry .

  23. 从医疗服务的自身特点来看,医疗工作是一种特殊的服务行业;

    In light of the inherent characteristics of medical service , medical and health work is a special trade of services .

  24. 教育是特殊的服务:知识服务、专业服务、促进人的发展是服务的宗旨;文化服务体现服务品味的高尚性;

    Education is a special kind of service , which provides the public with knowledge , specialty , and promotes intellectual development .

  25. 因而我们不禁思考,人民币汇率将会给旅游这种特殊的服务贸易带来何种影响,在这一新形势下,我国的出入境旅游市场会随着人民币汇率的变化产生怎样的格局。

    Therefore we can not help thinking that what the RMB exchange rate will impact on this particular services trade & he tourism .

  26. 世官源于不同的氏族或宗族以世代相传的特殊技能服务于社会。

    The hereditary officers came from different clans or gentes and served the society with special skills passed on from generation to generation .

  27. 物业作为一个特殊的服务行业,其服务质量的好坏也受到越来越多的重视。

    As a special property of the service sector , the quality of its service quality has also been more and more important .

  28. 服务功能单元是一类特殊的服务,每个服务功能单元代表着一类具有相似的操作属性,并且具有相似功能的服务。虚拟流程中的任务节点就是服务功能单元。

    A function unite is a kind of particular service , each represent a kind of service with similar operation properties , and similar functions .

  29. 根据《消费者权益保护法》,读者与公共图书馆之间的关系是消费者与经营者之间的关系,是一种特殊的服务关系。

    According to the Consumer Protection Law , the relationship between readers and public libraries is that of managers and consumers , a special service relationship .

  30. 作为一种特殊的服务劳动,会计服务劳动的专业化和会计服务业的产业化是社会化大生产和社会分工的产物,会计服务劳动也能够创造新价值;

    As a special service labor , the accounting service is also a necessary result of the division of social labor , and it produces values as well ;