
  • 网络tenerife
  1. 洛斯克里斯蒂亚诺斯是特内里费岛最南面的旅游胜地。

    Los cristianos is the most southerly resort in tenerife .

  2. 受害人的姓名还不清楚,但是根据特内里费岛警方所说,受害人是一名62岁的英国人。

    The victim hasn 't yet been named , but according to the authorities in Tenerife , she was a62-year-old Briton .

  3. 一名62岁的英国妇女在西班牙旅游胜地特内里费岛上一个超市遭遇袭击时被斩首。

    A62-year-old British woman has been beheaded in an apparently random attack in a supermarket on the Spanish holiday island of Tenerife .

  4. 在1994年他被特内里费岛授予黄金奖章并给予他“拉贡市最好的儿子以及卡拉奇科市最好的养子”称号。

    In1994 he was awarded the gold medal of the Island of Tenerife and named " Favorite son of the Lagoon and Adoptive son of Garachico ( Tenerife )" .

  5. 暴雨和狂风在过去两天冲击了西班牙大部分地区,像位于西班牙南部加那利群岛和马拉加的特内里费岛这样的一向阳光明媚的旅游景点受到了影响。

    Torrential rains and gales have lashed much of Spain over the past two days , affecting normally sunny tourist destinations such as Tenerife in the Canary Islands and Malaga in southern Spain .