
  • 网络Traction power supply;scada
  1. 同相牵引供电系统PWM整流环节仿真的研究

    Cophase Traction Supply System Based on the Simulation of PWM Rectification Part

  2. 基于三电平PWM整流器的地铁牵引供电系统

    Traction Power Supply for Subway Based on Three-level PWM Rectifier

  3. 一种基于Petri网技术的牵引供电系统故障诊断方法

    Fault Diagnosis of the Traction Substation on the Basis of Petri nets Technology

  4. 基于ASP技术的牵引供电运营MIS的设计和开发

    The design and development of power-traction operation management information system based on ASP

  5. 城市轨道交通牵引供电PWM变流器的研究

    Study on a PWM Converter for Traction Power Supply of the Urban Rail Transit

  6. 基于三相电压型PWM地铁牵引供电整流器的研究整流器供电直流拖动

    Research of Traction Power Supply System in Subway Base on Three-phase Voltage Type PWM Rectifiers

  7. 并基于MATLAB软件搭建了混合补偿式同相牵引供电系统仿真平台,验证了这种方案的可行性。

    And the paper put up the hybrid compensation co-phase traction power supply system simulation platform based on MATLAB .

  8. 基于FFT算法的牵引供电系统智能电量变送器

    A Study of Intelligent Electric Transducer Based on FFT in Traction Power System

  9. 基于电路理论和CAD技术,详细阐述了一种适合于城市轨道交通牵引供电系统的仿真分析法。

    This paper presents the simulation analysis method adaptive to the traction power system based on the circuit theory and CAD .

  10. 基于AI原理的牵引供电远动系统线路带电推导算法

    An AI Based Algorithm for Recognizing the Energized State of Telecontrol Systems of Electric Railway Feeding Lines

  11. 基于IPM的兆瓦级牵引供电变流器机组设计

    Design of MW-Level Traction Power Supply Converter Set Based on IPM

  12. 又通过OpenPowerNet软件进行供电仿真,构建等效电气网络结构模型,得到牵引供电仿真主要参数。

    After that the equivalent electrical network structure model is built to calculate the parameters of the system by the software Open Power Net and get the main parameters of the simulation of traction power supply .

  13. 为保证铁路运输的安全可靠供电,对铁路牵引供电监控系统(SCADA)的要求也越来越高。

    In order to the security and reliability of the power supply , the requirement is increasingly enhancing to the SCADA of railway traction power supply ( TPS ) .

  14. 把地铁牵引供电系统作为可修系统,介绍了含共有信号的复杂可修系统GO法基本原理,定义了适用于元件完全独立的可修系统GO法元件重要度的概念。

    This thesis takes the metro traction power supply system as a repairable system , introduces the basic principle of the GO methodology in complex repairable system with shared signals , and defines the concept of component fault importance which is applied to component completely independent system .

  15. 分析了电气化铁道牵引供电系统的特点和高速电气化铁道发展对未来综合自动化装置的要求然后介绍了DSP的发展与现状和DSP芯片的特点。小型水电站机组综合自动化装置研究

    Firstly , the railway power supply system and its characters have been introduced , especially the developments and actuality of the comprehensive automation system of traction substation . Study on Comprehensive Automation Equipment of Power Set in Small-Sized Hydropower Plant

  16. 分析了高速铁路牵引供电SCADA系统的特点,及当前SCADA系统的不足,提出了用数据挖掘技术分析和预测变电所设备故障,改善系统的综合性能。

    This paper analyses the deficiency of the current high speed railway traction power supply SCADA systems and puts forward the method of fault analysis and forecasting with the data mining .

  17. 分析MJPEG,MPEG1和H263等适合牵引供电系统的几种视频编码方法;

    Several video coding methods suitable to the traction power system , such as M-JPEG , MPEG-1 and H.263 are analyzed .

  18. 针对牵引供电运营MIS(PTOMIS)的设计,提出了它的网络拓扑结构和软件模块结构,同时对ASP技术在牵引供电运营MIS中的应用进行了探讨。

    The topology and software module structure of Power Traction Operation Management Information System ( PTO MIS ) is proposed for its development . The application of ASP in PTO MIS is also discussed .

  19. 面对日、德、法等先进技术的竞争,研究具有自主知识产权高速铁路牵引供电自动化系统(TPSAS,TractionPowerSupplyAutomaticSystem)是十分有意义的。

    In face of the competition of advanced technique from Japan , Germany , France and etc , it is significant for us to research on TPSAS ( Traction Power Supply Automatic System ) for High-speed Railway ) with Self - Intellectual Property Rights .

  20. SVC可以安装在电气化铁路的牵引供电臂侧、牵引变电所进线侧,以及变电站的电铁供电侧。

    In the electrified railway , SVC can be installed in the low-voltage side of traction substation , the high-voltage side of traction substation , or the electric railway power supply side of substation .

  21. 给出了基于V形变压器、Y形变压器和平衡变压器等多种同相AT牵引供电系统结构,并从供电可靠性、经济性和技术要求上,分析了各种同相AT牵引供电系统的优劣。

    It is showed different " V " connection transformers , " Y " connection transformers and balance transformers , and some other transformers used in AT supply system . All of these transformers are analyzed from safe power supply , economic advantages , and technology required .

  22. 结合AI原理,采用启发式深度优先算法实现了牵引供电远动系统线路带电推导,对该算法进行了理论分析,并给出了实现该算法的控制策略及软件框图。

    Combined with AI theory , an algorithm for recognizing the energized state of telecontrol system of electric railway feeding lines is proposed based on a heuristic depth first search approach . The algorithm is theoretically analyzed , and the control strategy and software diagram are also presented .

  23. 2台YN,d接线变压器十字交叉构成的AT牵引供电系统,接线复杂,变压器容量利用率低,相邻供电区段必需用分相绝缘器分断,不利于高速铁路运行。

    There are defects existed in traction power supply system based on transformer decussating two YN , d connection such as complicated connections , low availability of transformer capacity , and neutral section insulator needed in every supply sector which are not suitable for high speed railway .

  24. 过电压保护装置在地铁牵引供电中的应用

    Application of Over-voltage Protection Device in Traction Power Supply for Metro

  25. 轨道交通牵引供电仿真模型与算法的研究

    Model and Algorithm for Traction Power System Simulation of Urban Rail-line

  26. 牵引供电系统中有源滤波器的仿真研究

    Research on Active Power Filter Used in Traction Power Supply System

  27. 牵引供电系统综合负荷模型结构研究

    The Research on the Composite Load Model Structure of Traction System

  28. 全并联AT牵引供电方式继电保护配置的研究

    Study on Full Paralleled AT Traction Power Supply Relay Protection Allocation

  29. 探讨改革铁路牵引供电系统运营维护管理模式

    Discussion Reform of The Operation Management Mode for Rail Power Supply

  30. 高速铁路牵引供电系统馈线保护研究

    Research of Feeder Protection of High-speed Railway Traction Power Supply System