
wù zī diào dù
  • Material dispatching;distribution of materials
  1. 对于应急物资调度问题,本文主要对基于多物资供应点的多目标多

    For the problem of emergency material dispatch , this paper put the

  2. 基于禁止时间窗的应急物资调度车辆路径问题

    Forbidding Time Window Based Vehicle Routing Problem in Emergency Transportation

  3. 一类应急物资调度的优化模型研究

    The Study on Optimal Model for a Kind of Emergency Material Dispatch Problem

  4. 大规模突发事件应急物资调度的过程模型

    Process Model for Materials Dispatching in Large-scale Emergencies

  5. 最后结合一个实例,讨论了D运输问题在物资调度中的应用。

    Finally the application in resources schedule of the D transportation problems is discussed with a example .

  6. 针对上述问题,建立了多阶段的应急物资调度动态决策模型。

    This paper establishes a multi-stage dynamic decision-making model of emergency resources scheduling to solve the above-mentioned problem .

  7. 在突发事件应急阶段,应急物资调度面临着物资需求量大而且供给不能及时满足需求的困境。

    In the emergency response phase , the inability of meeting the demand timely will trap the decision maker .

  8. 第三,模型通过使用风险占优机制来解决博弈结果存在多重纳什均衡的问题,从而选择出最佳应急物资调度方案;

    Thirdly , the model solves the problem that multiple Nash equilibrium occurs in the game results by risk-dominant mechanism , and then the optimal solution could be obtained .

  9. 为加速决策的时效性和准确性,本文以应急系统中的救援物资调度为背景,对实现并行遗传算法求解应急系统中的最短路径问题进行了研究。

    This paper is in the background of material schedule in Emergency Decision System , and makes a deep research of shortest path in emergency system using Parallel Genetic Algorithm .

  10. 因此,需要研究出一个较优的物资调度方案以满足灾害发生地对应急物资的数量和时限的要求,为救灾工作提供支持。

    Therefore , it is necessary to come up with a better scheduling of materials , which can meet the needs of disaster emergency supplies in the requirements of the quantity and time limit .

  11. 本文在介绍应急选址与物资调度问题国内外研究状况的基础上,总结出选址常见的几种模型:P-中值、P-中心、覆盖模型等。

    With the introduction of research situation at home and abroad about Emergency Location and Materials Dispatching , this paper summarizes several common models such as P-median , P-center , covering models and so on .

  12. 此外,阐述了应急物资调度的重要性,研究了应急物资调度与一般物资调度的区别,并构建了应急物资调度的过程模型图。(2)研究突发事件下的多级应急物资调度问题。

    The importance of emergency material dispatching was described , then the differences between emergency material dispatching and commodity dispatching was researched , and the flow chart of emergency material dispatching was constructed . ( 2 ) A three-tier emergency material dispatching problem was researched .

  13. 基于战时物资应急调度的库存控制方法

    An Inventory Control Method Based on Wartime Material Emergency Dispatch

  14. 基于遗传算法的应急物资运输调度

    Disaster-Relief Commodity Transport Schedule Based on Genetic Algorithms

  15. 通过对舰船弹药物资作业调度与分配原则的归纳总结,构建了弹药物资管理专家系统的框架;

    Summarizing the experts'experiences , the paper designs the framework of expert system of the ship-armament manage system .

  16. 设计了适合求解应急物资运输调度模型的遗传算法,从编码方法、适应度函数、遗传算子等方面对传统遗传算法进行了改进。

    The genetic arithmetic suiting to the mathematics model is designed , and the traditional genetic code , fitness function computation , genetic operators are ameliorated .

  17. 然后,在此基础上,借鉴水上救助目标搜寻理论,提出水上漂移目标应急物资动态调度优化方法。

    Then , on this basis , drawing maritime rescue Goal Seek theory , a dynamic scheduling optimization method of rescuing materials for marine drift target is proposed .

  18. 对于后期应急物资的调度,分解建立了单种及多种快速消费品调度模型,采用拟多项式算法进行计算,接着用算例验证了模型的合理性及算法的有效性。

    For the latter part of emergency material dispatch , decomposition established single and a variety of fast moving consumer goods scheduling model , using pseudo polynomial algorithm to calculate , and then an example is given to validate the rationality of the model and the validity of the algorithm .

  19. 面向重大突发事件的区域应急物资储备与调度研究

    Research on Storage and Dispatch of Regional Emergency Resources for the Significant Emergent Events

  20. 作为接触网施工信息化的发展方向,必须以接触网计算系统为核心,将物资系统,调度系统通过网络集成到一个信息平台;

    Informational orientation of OCL in high-speed electric is the unified-network integration with the system of materials management and production management based on the computing system .

  21. 本文的研究可以为突发事件爆发时应急管理人员建立应急物流系统,在复杂的环境中制定快速、高效、可靠性好的救援物资运输与车辆调度计划提供指导。

    A system of emergency logistic was constituted in this paper for emergency personnel who can get directions about how to quickly , effectively and reliably make out a project of relief commodity transportation and vehicle scheduling in a complicated surroundings .

  22. 本文研究了在大规模突发性公共事件爆发的情况下,应急物流系统的设计以及应急物流领域关键问题之一:救援物资运输与车辆调度模型的构建与求解。

    In this paper , one of the pivotal propositions in the sphere of the design of logistic system and emergency logistic was tackled that how to conceive and solve a model of relief commodity transportation and vehicle scheduling when large-scale public emergency break out .

  23. 总结了突发事件环境下救援物资运输问题的限制条件,据此设计并解决了救援物资运输与车辆调度模型与可靠路径选择模型。

    Based upon the summarization of restrictive conditions of relief commodity transportation conduced by emergency , a model of relief commodity transportation , vehicle scheduling and reliable path finding was contrived and figured out .

  24. 该内容主要是:针对灾情复杂的特点,在赈灾物资资源有限,赈灾物资保障网络不确定的前提下,而客观存在着赈灾物资调度与优化的技术问题。

    The mainly are : for the complex characteristics of disaster , under the premise of limited relief resources and relief supplies to sustain the network with uncertainty , technical problems of relief supplies scheduling and optimization come into objective existence automatically .