
  • 网络Material Science;physical science
  1. 中科院合肥物质科学研究院称,这一里程碑式事件,标志着我国的“全超导托卡马克实验装置(东方超环)”成为了世界上首个运行时间达到百秒量级的托卡马克装置。东方超环也被称作“人造太阳”。

    The milestone meant China 's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak ( EAST ) , dubbed " artificial sun , " became the world 's first tokamak device to achieve the 100-second-level , Hefei Institute of Physical Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences said .

  2. 并且指出ID理论的核心是信息复杂性,物质科学范式的标准不适合ID理论,ID理论是发展中的信息时代进化论。

    The criterion of material science model is not suitable for ID Theory ; ID Theory is a developing evolutionism in the age of information .

  3. 其次,要把生物进化论放到人类文明进步的大背景中考察,在工业社会向信息社会过渡、物质科学范式向信息科学范式的转型中,认识ID理论的必然性和发展趋势。

    Secondly , the biology evolutionism is reviewed in the background of human civilization . The necessity and tendency of ID theory is known in the period from industrial society to information society as well as from material science to information science .

  4. 应用于地球深部物质科学研究的静态超高压实验技术

    The static ultrahigh-pressure experiment technique for earth interior material research

  5. 聚电解质是软物质科学的一个重要分支。

    Polyelectrolytes are an important branch of soft matter .

  6. 交流阻抗谱法及其在地球深部物质科学中的应用

    Impedance spectroscopy and its application to material science of the Earth 's interior

  7. 地球深部物质科学在地球深部研究中的作用和意义

    The role and significance of earth interior material science for earth interior research

  8. 地球深部物质科学&在静高压大腔体实验研究方面的某些进展

    On material science of the earth 's interior

  9. 作者试图说明,在信息时代,更新一个半世纪以来物质科学及其哲学观念孕育的进化理论,是历史的必然。

    It is a historical tendency to update the evolutionism gestated by material science and philosophy in information era .

  10. 由于对物质科学的出色研究,该校正在发展成为领先世界水平的学府之一。

    The school is growing quickly to become one of the world 's leading institutions for the study of material sciences .

  11. 物质科学将跨越生命与非生命物质的界限,产生新的高技术前沿;

    Substance science will break the boundary between living substance and non living substance to make a new front of high technology ;

  12. 地球物质科学,在下地壳和上地幔流变学、中国东部岩石圈减薄、同位素与微量元素示踪和填图、地壳重熔与岩浆演化等方面取得了国际前沿水平的成果。

    The rheology and dynamics of lower crust and upper mantle , the lithospheric thinning in East China , genesis and evolution of granitic rocks ;

  13. 而140年来,种种新达尔文主义理论也并没有突破工业时代的物质科学和物质哲学的束缚。

    However , within recent 140 years , different new theories of Darwinism did not break through the constraint of material science and philosophy in industrial era .

  14. 科学的发展具有由低级到高级的物质科学→信息科学→意识科学和由简单到复杂的非生命科学→生命科学→人体科学的一般规律。

    A general law of the development of science is from material science , information science to consciousness science and from material science , life science to person science .

  15. 作为新一代微观结构表征技术,中子散射正广泛应用于材料科学、物质科学、生物科学等诸多学科领域。

    As a new generation of crystallographic characterization technique , the neutron scattering is being widely applied to materials science , substance science , biology science and so on .

  16. 物理学、化学、数学,以及这些学科扩展出的物质科学、固体物理、流体力学、热力学和系统分析等等学科是工程学的重要基础。

    Engineering is based principally on physics , chemistry , and mathematics and their extensions into materials science , soild and fluid mechanics , thermodynamics , and systems analysis .

  17. 每年,五大洲各有一名女性因为她们在科研上的成就获奖(以年为单位分别轮流奖励生命科学和物质科学方面的成就),奖金10万美元。

    Each year , one woman from each of the five continents is recognised for their achievement in research in life sciences and materials sciences in alternate years with an award of US $ 100,000 .

  18. 物质科学的进步既创造了美国这样一个幅员辽阔、汽船加铁路的共和国,使朝不保夕的大不列颠轮船帝国遍布全世界,同时又对欧洲大陆上人口密集的众多国家产生了完全不同的影响。

    The progress in material science that created this vast steamboat-and-railway Republic of America and spread this precarious British steamship empire over the world produced quite other effects upon the congested nations upon the continent of europe .

  19. 21世纪以生命科学、信息科学和物质科学为先导的科学技术正在不断地促进经济的繁荣和人类文化的变革。

    The science and technology in 21st century develops more rapidly . The development of the life science , the information science and the material science is promoting the economical prosperity and the transform of the humanity culture .

  20. 同时发达的数码成像技术、网络技术、数字信息技术等等这些坚实的物质科学技术,为影像化形态的研究提供了有力的物质技术保障。

    At the same time , the solid material and technical supports in the study of imagination are provided by the developed digital imaging technology , network technology , digital information technology and so on , which are the solid material and scientific technologies .

  21. 香港中文大学化学病理学系教授卢煜明和清华大学物理学家薛其坤分别获得未来科学大奖下设的两大奖项:生命科学奖和物质科学奖。

    Dennis Lo Yuk-ming , professor of chemical pathology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong , and Xue Qikun , a physicist at Tsinghua University , respectively won the Life Science Award and the Materials Science Award , two categories of the Future Science Awards .

  22. 自然科学是研究物质的科学。

    Science is the study of physical things .

  23. 字典编纂学是研究物质的科学。

    Lexicography is really more about material science .

  24. 所以说,纳米技术是一种研究微小物质的科学,但是,多小才算小呢?

    So nano technology is the science of the very small . But how small is small ?

  25. 纳米科学技术是用单个原子、分子制造物质的科学技术。

    Nano science and technology ( Nano S & T ) is an interdisciplinary area studying substance with single atom or molecule .

  26. 每个抽烟或不抽烟的人都听到过对健康各种有危害的物质,科学证实与没证实的。

    Each smoker , or even non-smoker or ex-smoker has heard of the various threats to health , scientifically proven or not .

  27. 原子分子物理-研究宇宙物质的基础科学

    Atomic and molecular physics-the fundamental science for studying cosmic matter

  28. 结论:实验结果可为大头陈的药效物质研究提供科学依据。

    Conclusion : It can provide scientific basis for the effective substances of A.indianum .

  29. 它为人类提供了前所未有的、富足的物质基础,科学强大的社会功能,我们早已领略到了。

    Science has provided affluent material conditions which are unprecedented for our human beings . So its powerful social function has been experienced .

  30. 准晶体是1984年在实验中发现的。这种新型的物质引起了科学工作者极大的兴趣,并得到了广泛的研究。

    Since the experimental discovery of quasicrystals in 1984 , this new kind of materials has attracted much attention and has been extensively studied .