
  • 网络The Internet of Things
  1. 随着经济的发展,各种先进技术不断涌现并逐步实现产业化应用,如物联网技术、云计算等,这些技术的发展为易腐产品的质量控制提供了有效的技术支撑。

    With rapid development of modern economics , many advanced technologies continue to emerge and gradually achieve industrial applications , such as Internet of things and cloud computing , which have provided effective technical support for perishable products quality control .

  2. 随着物联网技术的发展,无线传感器网络与IP网络的互联成为物联网应用的一个技术瓶颈。

    Along with the development of Internet of Things , the connection of wireless sensor network and Internet has become the inevitable trend .

  3. 此外,ARM本月还在新加坡举办了一场物联网技术研讨会。

    It also held an IoT Tech Seminar in Singapore this month .

  4. 系统主要以电子射频识别技术(RFID)作为自动识别的技术手段,以电子标签作为猪肉产品溯源信息的载体,利用物联网技术实现猪肉产品的全生命周期的监管。

    System is mainly using RFID technology as automatic identification , using RFID tags as traceability information carrier of pork product .

  5. 但是投资集团天使谷(AngelVest)的联合创始人陈泰杰(DavidChen)称,香港在发展物联网技术方面具有很大的竞争优势。

    But David Chen , who runs an investment group called AngelVest , says Hong Kong has a big competitive advantage in developing IoT technology .

  6. 此外,物联网技术的发展还能促进英特尔其它非PC业务的增长。

    Better still , growth in Internet of Things technologies will also drive growth in Intel 's other major non-PC segments , a fact not lost on the company .

  7. 本文中还介绍了无线物联网技术的关键技术,包括RFID技术,定位技术,时间同步技术等工作原理。

    This article introduces the key technologies of wireless Internet of Things technologies , including RFID technology , location technology , time synchronization technology works .

  8. 随着RFID射频识别技术和物联网技术的不断发展,物流管理系统也在不断地朝着集成化和智能化的方向发展。

    With the development of the technology of the RFID and the Internet of Things , the logistics management system is of integration and intelligent .

  9. 探讨条形码、RFID等物联网技术在物料追踪系统中运用的技术要点,并阐述物联网环境下物料追踪的实现过程。

    Then , the key points of using the Internet of Things such as the barcode & RFID are discussed in the material tracking system .

  10. 物联网技术的研究,推动了RFID、传感器、嵌入式软件以及数据传输等领域研究的进一步发展。

    Research of Internet of Things technology promotes the further development of RFID , sensor , embedded software , transmission of data and so on .

  11. 本文首先简单介绍了物联网技术,详细介绍了物联网的神经系统RFID中间件技术,并架构了RFID中间件整体结构。

    This article first simply introduces the Internet of Things technology , then in detail introduces the savant system RFID middleware , and constructs overall construction of RFID middleware .

  12. 在采用物联网技术后,面包公司King’sHawaiian每天能多生产出18万磅面包,是之前产量的两倍。

    After installing IoT technologies , King 's Hawaiian was able to produce an additional 180000 pounds of bread every day , doubling its previous output .

  13. 其次,随着物联网技术的发展,作为关键技术之一的RFID技术已广泛应用于智能监控及物流管理等领域。

    Secondly , with the development of Internet of Things , RFID , as one of the key technologies of it , has been widely used in intelligent monitoring and logistics management .

  14. 以ERP系统为基础,集成设计了基于物联网技术的供应链管理原型系统,主要包括6大子系统,分别为订单管理、采购管理、生产管理、仓储管理、配送管理以及运输管理等。

    Designed on the basis of the old ERP system , the prototype system consists of six subsystems : orders management , purchasing management , production management , warehousing management , distribution management and transportation management .

  15. 物联网技术中的关键模块有两个:无线射频识别技术(RFID)和无线传感网络(wsN),其中RFID技术主要用于标记和识别物体。

    The key module of networking technology has two : radio frequency identification ( RFID ) and wireless sensor network ( WSN ), the RFID technology is mainly used for marking and identification of the object .

  16. 具备自组网、无线通信能力的传感器网络技术与能够自动识别物体和进行信息读写的RFID技术是物联网技术的核心技术,这两种技术的融合已经成为了物联网技术发展的趋势。

    Sensor network technology , with ad hoc networks and wireless communication capabilities , and RFID technology which can automatically identify objects and have the ability of read and write information , are both core technology of Internet of Things .

  17. 迄今为止,物联网技术主要是由制造业在机器对机器(M2M)通信上所采用。

    So far , IoT technology has been mostly adopted by the manufacturing industry using machine-to-machine ( M2M ) communication .

  18. DigitalCatapult主管合作事宜的毛里齐奥•皮卢(MaurizioPilu)表示,问题之一在于物联网技术还是有点贵。DigitalCatapult是一家为新项目提供支持的英国政府机构。

    One problem is that the technology is still a little expensive , says Maurizio Pilu , partnerships director at Digital Catapult , a UK government organisation that helps support new projects .

  19. 芯片设计公司Arm的物联网技术营销总监扎克谢尔比(ZachShelby)说:每月光为了让一个低成本设备联网就要支付好几美元,这是无法推广的。

    It is not scalable for a low-cost device to pay several dollars a month just to have connectivity , says Zach Shelby , director of technical marketing for the internet of things at Arm , the chip designer .

  20. RFID、传感器等物联网技术的兴起为这创造了机遇和条件。本文首先从供应链的角度详细分析产品从生产商到物流商再到零售商的全部物流过程和业务需求。

    The rising of IOT ( Internet of Things ) such as RFID and sensor technology provides opportunities and conditions . First , this paper analyzed the whole logistics process and business requirements from the perspective of supply chain which includes the manufacturer , third-party logistics provider and retailer .

  21. 软件初创企业Contextere首席执行官盖布•巴特斯通(GabeBatstone)表示,这些技术给企业提供了削减成本的机会。该公司基于机器学习(很多人工智能背后的技术)和物联网技术开发面向工人的服务。

    Such technologies offer companies the chance to cut costs , says Gabe Batstone , chief executive of Contextere , a software start-up that develops services for industrial workforces based on machine learning - the technique behind much artificial intelligence - and internet of things technologies .

  22. 因此物联网技术应用中的道德规范迫切需要发展完善。

    Ethics so application of IOT in urgent need of improvement .

  23. 食品安全管理需要从农场到餐桌步步保障,因此需要利用现在流行的物联网技术,建立一个全程监控系统,保障食品的安全。

    Food safety management need to guarantee every step : farm-to-table .

  24. 目前,全球物联网技术飞速发展。

    At present , Global networking technology are developing rapidly .

  25. 物联网技术的应用将带来一场科技的革命,并推动经济的发展。

    The technology of IOT will bring a revolution in science and economy .

  26. 随着物联网技术的发展,该系统将会有很大的发展空间。

    With the Internet technology development , this system will have much later development space .

  27. 物联网技术为智能建筑的发展提供新的方法。

    Internet of Things technology provides a new method for the development of intelligent buildings .

  28. 物联网技术是实现智慧城市、智慧生活的基础。

    The IOT Technology is the basis for realization of wise city and wise life .

  29. 以下是通过物联网技术让行业变得更智能的三个例子。

    Here are three such examples of how businesses are becoming smarter by adopting IoT .

  30. 物联网技术的进一步发展,实际上就是在推动无缝交互技术的发展。

    The further development of networking technology , in fact , promotes seamless interactive technology .