
  1. 随着中国加入WTO,中国经济与国际经济紧密接轨,物流现代化必然成为发展的焦点。

    Joining WTO , China economy and international economy integrate closely , logistics modernization must become focus of development , the logistics service is rising vigorously in our country as the new developing industry department .

  2. 随着经济的发展,物流现代化已是必然的趋势,而现代化的物流要求物流人才要跟上时代的节奏。

    With economic development , logistic modernization is an inexorable trend .

  3. 关于我国口岸物流现代化问题的探讨

    Investigation on the Modernization of Material Flow Technology in Chinese Ports

  4. 中国物流现代化的发展环境与策略

    The development environment and strategy of the Chinese logistics modernization

  5. 中国经济发展战略的转变与物流现代化

    The transformation of stratagem of Chinese economical development and modernization of logistics

  6. 国企物流现代化进程中的几个问题

    Several Issues in the Logistics Modernization of the State Enterprise

  7. 第五部分,顺应物流现代化沏流,可持绞发展中国现代物流业。

    Part 3 , the current condition of china 's logistics industry .

  8. 物流现代化的关键技术之一&电子数据交换

    EDI One of the key technologies of logistics modernization

  9. 文章探讨了如何实现我国物流现代化的问题。

    Thus , discussion is made on how to realize modernization of our country .

  10. 物流现代化的基础,首先是采用快速、高效、自动化的物流设备。

    The base of modernize logistics is using quick , high-efficiency and automatic logistics equipment .

  11. 国企物流现代化能增加企业利润,创造经济效益。

    The logistics modernization of the state enterprise can increase enterprise 's gain and create economic profits .

  12. 阐述了物流现代化对我国经济发展,尤其对东北老工业基地振兴的重大意义。

    Explains the importance of logistics modernization to economic development , especially to the old industrial base revitalization in the Northeast of China .

  13. 本文分析了粮食物流现代化的重要意义,阐述了粮食物流现代化的制约因素,提出了促进粮食物流现代化的对策。

    This paper analyzes the significance of grain logistics modernization , explains the factors that restrain it and advances the countermeasures to improve it .

  14. 目前,我国物流现代化水平不高,整体效益较差,应用信息技术提升我国物流竞争力是改善其高成本、低效益的主要途径。

    Current , the level of information modernization and automation in logistics management in our country are not high . The benefit is too low .

  15. 对食盐物流现代化方案的研究,有利于提高江苏盐业的竞争力和经济效益。

    The research on the modernization project of Jiangsu edible salt logistics is of benefit to improve the competitiveness and economic returns of Jiangsu Salt Industry .

  16. 粮食流通业的现代化路径选择&江苏粮食物流现代化能力建设研探

    Modernized Approach Selection in the Grain Interflow Industry & Research and Discussion on the Development of Modernized Capability of Jiangsu Province in the Grain Interflow Industry

  17. 物流现代化&电子商务最后的街垒这个街区是这样设计的,房子的正面都背向繁忙的街道。

    Logistics Modernization & The Last Street Block of E-commerce ; The estate is so designed that the front of each house faces away from busy roads .

  18. 20世纪末,随着科技的发展和经济全球化趋势的增强,物流现代化在迅猛发展。

    At the end of the 20th century , with the development of science and enhancement of the trend of economic globalization , logistics modernization is developing rapidly .

  19. 物流现代化不是指物流设施的现代化,而是指物流管理的科学化,物流车辆的监控是物流现代化的重要方面。

    Modern logistics is not mean the modern logistics facility modern , but mean the scientific management of logistics , logistics vehicle monitor is the important fact of construct modern logistics .

  20. 流通现代化必然要求物流现代化。物流为适应流通现代化而呈现出新的发展趋势:狭义的物流观念向广义的物流观念转变;

    The modernization of circulation will naturally require the modernization of material circulation , which shows new trends of its development as follows : the conceptual change from the narrow sense to the broad sense ;

  21. 随着物流现代化的迅速推进,各流通行业在经营过程中产生了海量的数据,引发了数据监狱现象,这些海量的数据蕴藏了丰富的经营视点和市场规律。

    As the fast boost of Logistics modernization , It has generated mass data in the circulation , and engenders the phenomenon of " data jail " . In these mass data , it contains abundant information for management .

  22. 集装箱运输是交通运输现代化的产物,是物流现代化的重要组成部分,尤其是近年来集装箱多式联运正日益成为国际物流活动的主导运输组织形式,其功能和效益将在更深程度上得到发挥和体现。

    Container transport is the result of transport modernization and is the key part of logistics modernization . Especially , at present , container and multimodal transport has been becoming the leading transport style of international logistics activity , whose function and benefit will be developed in deeper extent .

  23. 由此分析,提出了江苏食盐物流现代化规划的初步方案,明确规划方案的原则、食盐现代化建设的目标,并对规划方案内容、物流现代化对策进行了深入的探索研究。

    Thereby , the paper puts forward the preparatory solution of Jiangsu salt logistics modernization plan , defines the principle of plans , and the aim of edible salt modernization drive , and gets a deep study in the content of planning solution and the countermeasure of logistics modernization .

  24. 美、日物流业现代化发展浅析

    Brief analysis on development of modernized logistics in America and Japan

  25. 现代物流是现代化生产的重要组成部分。

    Modern logistics is a very important part of modern manufacture industry .

  26. 电子商务环境下物流管理现代化研究

    Research on Modern Physical Distribution Management under Electronic Commerce Environment

  27. 第二,要加快我国图书物流的现代化建设。

    Second , We must speed up our country books logistics modernization .

  28. 物流配送现代化是指在物流配送硬件体系和软件体系方面的全面现代化。

    Logistics distribution modernization means either hardware system modernization or software system modernization .

  29. 中国物流业现代化建设策略研究

    Research on Strategies for China 's Logistics Modernization Construction

  30. 连锁经营超市物流配送现代化的研究

    Study on Logistics Distribution Modernization of Chain-Running Supermarkets