
  • 网络Logistics Insurance
  1. 现代物流保险的新发展

    Latest Development of Modern Logistics Insurance

  2. 这样,就促生了物流保险的产生和发展。

    So , the generation and development of the logistics insurance has been produced in the society now .

  3. 第三方物流保险实践中的若干问题探讨

    Discussion on the Several Problems of the 3PL Insurance

  4. 如何发展物流责任保险已经成为物流行业关注的热点问题,单纯照抄照搬国外的产品并不能解决国内的诸多实际问题,而国内保险公司自己推出的物流责任保险相互间抄袭严重。

    How to develop the logistics liability insurance has been one of the focuses among the logistics industry . To completely copy foreign product cannot solve the practical problems . But there exist severe plagiarism between domestic insurance companies .

  5. 平台式网购以第三方电子商务平台为核心,拥有庞大的买家和卖家资源,促进了网商群体的产生,吸引了大量的合作机构,如银行、物流、保险、IT企业的参与。

    Platform online shopping is based on a third-party e-commerce platform . It owns a huge resource of buyers and sellers , promoting the generation of network groups and attracting a lot of cooperative institutions , such as banks , logistics , insurance , and IT enterprises .

  6. 构建我国环境责任保险制度的几点思考物流环境责任保险制度构架的理性思考

    Some Rational Considerations on the Construction of Logistics Environment Liability Insurance System

  7. 但是,由于供应链融资是不同于以往的金融创新业务,其参与主体包括银行、借款企业、物流公司、保险公司及监管机构等。

    However , for the reason that the supply chain financing is different with the former financial innovation service , and its participation main body includes bank 、 loan enterprise , physical distribution company 、 insurance company and supervision organization .

  8. 第三方物流责任风险的保险转移研究

    The Study on Insurance Transfer of the Third Party Logistics ' Liability Risk

  9. 通过对大连市生产性服务业优势产业选择研究表明,大连市生产性服务应优先发展物流业、金融保险业和软件与信息服务业。

    Through the research we can see Dalian should give priority to the development of the logistics industry , finance and insurance , software and information services .

  10. 第三方物流企业通过购买保险尤其是责任保险来保障企业自身的利益,正在逐步成为物流企业日常使用的风险管理方法之一。

    The third-party logistic enterprise uses insurance especially the liability insurance to protect the enterprise itself , it is more and more adopted by logistics enterprises as one of the ways to control and manage daily risks .

  11. 同其它行业一样,物流服务离不开保险,但目前,我国的物流保险存在着市场需求不足、险种单一等问题。

    As other industry , logistics industry can 't do without insurance . But , at present , there are many problems existing in logistics insurance of our country , such as the shortage of market need , the singularity of insurance kind , etc.

  12. 而近年来,社会物流需求持续增加,物流保险为物流的发展提供了更为强大的内在动力和良好的经营环境。

    But in recent years , the social logistics need keeps on increment , the logistics insurance provided stronger inside motive for the development of logistics with good management environment .

  13. 第一章通过对第三方物流产生背景的介绍,引入了第三方海运物流保险的概念。

    Chapter ⅰ introduces the origin of TPL , the concept of The Third Party Marine Logistics .

  14. 为使第三方海运物流能够成体系化、正规化发展,现阶段急需建立并完善第三方海运物流的配套制度,而建立第三方海运物流保险制度便是其中重要的一环。

    In order to push the development of The Third Party Marine Logistics industry into a systematic and normalized path , we need to establish the supporting system of The Third Party Marine Logistics immediately . And building The Third Party Marine Logistics Insurance system is the most important part .

  15. 但是物流企业个体存在巨大的差异性、僵化的产品定价方法和相对不充分的保障范围;加之国内的政府政策和物流法律法规皆有待完善,种种原因造成了目前物流责任保险产品的发展窘境。

    But the huge diversity of different logistics enterprise , the inflexible pricing system for premium and insufficient coverage range , while the logistics laws and regulations in China need to be perfect , all these factors lead to the awkward situation of the developing of logistics liability insurance product .