
Is that cologne or armor all ?
A Cultural Interpretation of the Image of Ox Demon King in Journey to the West
Sand came to Monkey 's help and forced the Bull DEMON King to show his true colors .
With the portrayal of Ox Demon King 's wife , son and friends , his image has assumed profound cultural meanings .
The third time Monkey came for the fan he decided to turn himself into the Bull Demon King . He got the fan .
Red Boy , the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fans son , had cultivated his physical and mental capacities and pollessed magic abilities .
You think that bastard will come to pick you up ? But even if he comes back , he can 't get you back from the King Bull !
ChiChi is faced with the biggest mess of her life when she meets a mysterious old woman , while the Ox King tries to flee the raging fires that threaten to destroy his castle !
After the Basho fan fails to put out the fire threatening the Ox King , Goku and ChiChi set out to find the Magical Furnace , believed to be the last hope for extinguishing the deadly blaze .