
  • 网络Cow Bell;cowbell
  1. 教师用一个牛铃通知大家早集合。

    A teacher rang a cowbell to call the morning assembly .

  2. 一幅清新淡雅的水墨画&谈广西本土创作歌曲《晨雾中牛铃在响》

    A Fresh , Simple and Elegant Water-Ink Painting & Discussion on the Local Original Song Cowbell Ringing in the Morning Fog ;

  3. 修女A:也许我们该在她脖子上戴个牛铃。

    Sister A : Perhaps we should have put a cow bell around her neck .

  4. 它有一个牛铃并列根据其下巴,所以也许这是为了使安全。

    It had a cow bell tied under its jaw , so maybe that was supposed to make it safe .

  5. 同时,一些传统的打击乐器,如“牛铃”等也被重新启用。

    At the same time , some traditional percussion instruments , such as " cow bell " has been re-opened .

  6. 我摇牛铃,拉手风琴,不过似乎尤克里里琴对它们不起作用。

    I ring a cowbell and I 've even played the accordion , but the ukulele doesn 't seem to have any effect on them .

  7. 与生姜的风景面包屋,巨大牛铃上放牧的草地和毛茛,包括山区野生花卉玫瑰地毯奶牛壮观。

    The scenery was spectacular with ginger bread houses , cows with huge cow bells grazing on buttercup meadows and a carpet of wild flowers including the Mountain Rose .

  8. 杰米·福克斯今年22岁,他刚从威尔士的班戈大学毕业,之后他要依靠尤克里里琴、手风琴和牛铃等乐器来驱赶诺福克郡乡间田地里的山鹑。

    Jamie Fox , 22 , who recently graduated from Bangor University , will use a ukulele , accordion and cowbell to frighten partridges away from a field in Norfolk .