
  • 网络Dental Equipment;Dentistry;Dental Units
  1. 我没有阐述牙科设备的访问。

    I do not have access to elaborate dental equipment .

  2. 带底座牙科设备(全套),固定式或移动式设有原装安全带固定装置的座位

    Dental equipment ( complete ) on its base , stationary or mobile seat with integral seat belt anchorages

  3. 他完全处于仰卧状态,不能移动。带底座牙科设备(全套),固定式或移动式

    He was almost flat on his back , and unable to move . dental equipment ( complete ) on its base , stationary or mobile

  4. 他们获得了一笔拨款为新开的牙科诊所购置设备。

    They received a grant to equip a new dental clinic .

  5. 其次,采用小型牙科医用喷砂设备对C/C表面进行了精细化喷砂处理。

    Secondly , sandblasting treatment was performed on the surface of C / C composite materials by using a small sandblasting equipment used for dental application .

  6. 在隔壁的LucianoMontroni医学高中,科索沃未来的牙科技术人员正在学新型牙科设备的使用诀窍。

    Next door at Luciano Motroni Medical High School , Kosovo 's future dental technicians are learning the ropes on new dentistry equipment .

  7. 牙科医生用椅,装有牙科设备或其他牙科器具

    Dentists ' chair , incorporating dental equipment or other dental appliances

  8. 老年牙医学牙科学分支,专门研究老年人牙病和问题的诊断、预防和治疗牙科医生用椅,装有牙科设备或其他牙科器具

    The branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis , prevention , and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged . dentists ' chair , incorporating dental equipment or other dental appliances