
shuǎng kuai
  • refreshed;comfortable;frank
爽快 [shuǎng kuài]
  • (1) [frank]∶直爽;直截了当

  • 让我爽爽快快受到判决,满足这犹太人的心愿吧。--《威尼斯商人》

  • (2) [refreshed; comfortable]∶舒服;痛快

  • 老栓倒觉爽快,仿佛一旦变了少年。--《药》

爽快[shuǎng kuai]
  1. 喝一杯冰啤酒,感觉爽快极了!

    After drinking a glass of cold beer , you feel very refreshed .

  2. 华岳诗歌的艺术特色主要表现:一、雄奇爽快。

    The artistic characteristics of his poetry : First , imposing strange and refreshed .

  3. 他不爽快地回答她的问题,这就激起了她的好奇心。

    His reluctance to answer her questions simply fanned her curiosity .

  4. 你认为他们会爽快同意我们的提议吗?

    Do you think they will be agreeable to our proposal ?

  5. 我爽快地承认我犯了错误。

    I freely admit that I made a mistake .

  6. 他是一个说话态度爽快的人。

    He is a man with a crisp manner of speaking .

  7. 他爽快地说出了对我的看法。

    He told me frankly what he thought of me .

  8. Ilovethatittakesyouhalfanhourtoorderasandwich.花半个小时点一份三明治。看起来做事也不太爽快。

    I love that it takes you 1 / 2 hour to order a sandwich .

  9. 他母亲已经年老体弱。crispa.指食品的松脆;清新的,爽快的;活跃的,有生气的,干净利落的。

    His mother has grown old and frail .

  10. 布里斯托大学市场与公共组织中心(BristolUniversity'sCentreforMarketandPublicOrganisation)的经济学家林赛•麦克米伦(LindseyMacmillan)爽快地帮我对这个问题进行了调查。

    Lindsey Macmillan , an economist at Bristol University 's Centre for Market and Public Organisation , kindly investigated this question for me .

  11. “在这件事完成之后,我们才能向前推进,我们希望相关条件能被爽快接受,”imf代理总裁约翰利普斯基(johnlipsky)在一个新闻发布会上表示。

    " That needs to be done before we can move forward and we are hopeful the conditions can be met with alacrity , " John Lipsky , the acting head of the IMF , said at a news conference .

  12. 你想讲什么?爽快地说吧!

    What are you going to say ? Spit it out !

  13. 他们很爽快的回答表明他们已经等待这个很久了。

    Their ready answer suggested that they had long bided that .

  14. 雨劈面打来,她倒觉得很爽快;

    The pelting rain felt cool and pleasant to her face .

  15. 因此我会很爽快地和你离婚。

    And so I will give you a divorce , gladly .

  16. 我早已忘记了农村的空气能使人这样心神爽快。

    I had forgotten how refreshing the country air could be .

  17. 我很钦佩他的勇敢和爽快。

    I admired him greatly for his bravery and his cheerfulness .

  18. 我希望你会爽快地承认你的错误。

    I wish you 'd own up to your fault .

  19. 你为什么这样转弯抹角的?爽快地对我说吧。

    Why do you wind and turn ? Be frank with me .

  20. 莉莉没想到茉莉会如此爽快地退却。

    Lily didn 't expect that Molly actually give up so promptly .

  21. 休息一会儿,喝点冷饮会使你感到精神爽快。

    A rest and a cool drink will refresh you .

  22. 他爽快地付钱请大家喝酒。

    He planked down the money and called for drinks for everyone .

  23. 回复快、付款爽快,太棒了!谢谢!

    Quick response and fast payment . perfect ! Thanks !

  24. 如果我们必须受苦,那就让我们爽快的忍受吧。

    If we must suffer , let us suffer nobly .

  25. 他们做生意果断爽快,只要你的质量没问题。

    Being decisive if your products are in high quality .

  26. 爽快些,把它给我吧。

    Be a good sport and give it to me .

  27. 我们请求警察帮忙,他爽快地答应了。

    The policeman accommodated us when we asked for help .

  28. 你说得越爽快,我们付的越快。

    The better you talk , the sooner we pay .

  29. 如果是你的球打破了玻璃窗,你应该爽快地承认。

    If your ball broke the window , you should own up .

  30. 如果你有什么反对意见,就爽快地说出来。

    If you have any objections , just speak out .