
  • 网络Love Sparks;Spark of Love
  1. 也有传闻说,她们之间擦亮了爱的火花,但是人们很难不去怀疑,这个故事是E!

    There have also been rumors of a romantic spark , though it 's hard not to be skeptical that the story line was manufactured by E !

  2. 你难道没看出来那里有些爱的火花在产生吗?

    Can 't you see there 's chemistry happening in there ?

  3. 一旦擦出爱的火花,就要把握时机。

    Seize the chance when there are sparks of love .

  4. 我还以为我们之间会擦出爱的火花。

    I thought it could turn into love .

  5. 在完美的非现实的浪漫爱情里,所有差距阻挠不了爱的火花。

    Their differences are forgotten when love blossoms in this wonderfully escapist romantic read .

  6. 不过,过了某一个时间点,你便能确定你们之间爱的火花是不是已经熄灭了。

    But after a certain point you will know if that spark is missing .

  7. 保持爱的火花永远燃烧,让你的爱情生活甜如蜜。

    Keep the flames of love burning to live a great , great love life .

  8. 我们在一起时,爱的火花飞溅,你能否认这生命中的事实吗。

    Sparks fly when we are together , you can 't deny the facts of life .

  9. 结婚21年后,我发明了1个可以使爱的火花常燃不熄的要领。

    After21years of marriage , I discovered anew way of keeping alive the spark of love .

  10. 他继续领导起义,同时与爱德华的儿媳妇伊莎贝拉擦出爱的火花。

    As he continues his revolt , he also has a love affair with Isabella , Edward 's daughter-in-law .

  11. 结婚21年后,我发现了保持爱之火花的一种新方法。

    After 21 years of marriage , I discovered a new way of keeping alive the spark of love .

  12. 分离对于相爱的人正犹如风吹向火苗,熄灭了爱的火花却点燃了爱的火焰。

    What parting is to love what wind is to fire , which blows out sparkles but up flames .

  13. 欧洲的王子们比其他地方的王子更有可能和平民或者外国人产生爱的火花。

    European princes are far more likely to romance both commoners and foreigners than are princes elsewhere , Badoo said .

  14. 我们一直都在这里帮助你找到那爱的火花,请允许我们为你展现你真正所是的伟大。

    We are here at ALL times to help you find that spark , allow us to show you the wonders of who you are .

  15. 火星和金星都在白羊座,这是个理想状态,两者的结合会点燃爱的火花。

    Mars and Venus , both in Aries , is an ideal situation , for when together these two can truly spark the stirrings of love .

  16. 上周,这对在2004年因拍摄《追击八月十五》擦出爱的火花的小夫妻在不同场合正式宣布分手。

    Last week , the couple-who started dating in2004 after starring as lovers in the film Hidden Heroes - ? had officially announced their separation at different events .

  17. 现在,它则被视为一股文化力量,既可以点燃爱的火花,也可以破坏婚姻,甚至催生“血汗工厂”,以满足虚拟物品的黑市交易需求。

    Now it is seen as a cultural force that sparks love affairs , breaks marriages and creates " sweat shops " to satisfy a black market in virtual goods .

  18. 因为水瓶被创新主义旳天王星所管辖,他们老是倾向于自然和创新,并且他们特别享受于那些白羊和水瓶之间旳爱旳火花。

    Since you are ruled by the innovative planet Uranus , you value spontaneity and innovation , and will greatly enjoy the sparks that can fly between you and your Aries lover !

  19. 抚触&情侣间的抚触非常重要,它可以增进情感,传达爱意。它是情感交流的一种方式,它可以让爱的火花常燃不熄。

    Touch & intimacy between married people is very important and touching is a means of communication that reflects closeness , connection and love ; it is your way of keeping the spark alive .

  20. 无论功课研讨或社团参与过程当中,有时男女同学会擦出爱的火花,“校园情侣”或“班对”悄悄产生。

    In the process of homework discussion or clubs activities , sometimes men and women would fill with adoration to each other , thus ," campus couples " or " class couples " quietly came out .