
  1. 至少这符合我对爱情的理解。

    At least that 's part of my idea of love .

  2. 但这些经历加深了我的对爱情的理解,

    but it 's really deepened my understanding

  3. 网恋虽然现在很难被接受,但它的出现的确改变了人们对于爱情的理解。

    While it is difficult courtship , but it really changed the appearance of people 's understanding of love .

  4. 这类小说中的情爱叙事则细腻地展现了都市人类在新的时代背景下,对于婚姻和爱情的理解与感悟。

    The narration of love in these novels reveals the comprehension and perception of marriage on the part of the urban people in a new historical background .

  5. 我也同样会犯大家都会犯的错,但这些经历加深了我的对爱情的理解,并让我对所有人都更有爱心。

    And certainly I make all the same mistakes that everybody else does too , but it 's really deepened my understanding and compassion , really , for all human life .

  6. 两位作家虽然国籍不同,生长环境不一,创作道路相异,但同为女性、同受儒家文化熏陶、同受西方文论影响的她们,在婚姻与爱情的理解上有着很多的相似。

    Two writers , both edified by Confucianism and effected by western literary review , are much similar to the understanding of marriage and love , despite of their different nationality , grown-up environment and creating track .

  7. 最后,它把两性之爱升华为两性的心灵契合和精神交融,表现了维多利亚时代女性对爱情的深刻理解和对两性平等的渴望。

    Finally , it sublimates sexual love into the soul and spiritual combination between two sexes , expressing the stronge desire of the Victorian women for the deep love understanding and sexual equality .

  8. 爱情是静静的理解和对不足之处的成熟接受。

    Love is quite understanding and the mature acceptance of imperfection .

  9. 虽然一些通用的习语很容易翻译,但是许多关于爱情的习语很难理解。

    While some universal love idioms are easily translated , many idioms on love can be difficult to comprehend .

  10. 冠军只有一个,亚军必须面对失败,在爱情的裁判面前去理解什么是失败。

    Only having one champion , the runner-up have to face failure , to understand what is a loser in the front of the Judge of Love .

  11. 《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》是莎士比亚爱情悲剧中的晚期杰作,对中年人爱情心理的深入理解和刻划区别于早期的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。

    Anthony and cleopatra , one love masterpiece of shakespeare ? S late writing life , distinguishes itself from Romeo and Juliet by its profound description on love between two middle aged man and woman .

  12. 加入爱情故事是出于商业考虑,也是因为我对爱情有了新的理解。

    It was added as a result of commercial considerations , and also a result of my renewed understanding about love .