
  • 网络Irish coffee;Ireland coffee
  1. 渐渐地,爱尔兰咖啡便开始在旧金山流行起来。

    Gradually , the Irish coffee became popular in San Francisco .

  2. 顾客:爱尔兰咖啡是我的最爱。

    Customer : Irish coffee is my favorite .

  3. 因为酒保做了两份menu,只有一份里有爱尔兰咖啡,所以只有她才点得到。

    Because the bartender did two menus , only reach a there is the coffee of Ireland in , so only have her to just order to get .

  4. 看来你正要来一杯早间爱尔兰咖啡

    I see you 're taking your coffee Irish this morning .

  5. 我们把这都弄成了爱尔兰咖啡你们认为怎么样?

    What do you say we make these coffees lrish ?

  6. 香醇浓烈的爱尔兰咖啡,适合思念心情的咖啡。

    Ireland 's alcohol strong coffee , for missing the mood of coffee .

  7. 可以过会给你弄杯爱尔兰咖啡。

    Could make you an lrish coffee later .

  8. 而她也成了第一位点爱尔兰咖啡的人。

    And she too the first orders the person of the coffee of Ireland .

  9. 但是我喜欢爱尔兰咖啡。

    But I love Irish coffee .

  10. 每一次仅仅只需要添加沸腾的水和奶油浇在顶部即可成为真正的调和的爱尔兰咖啡。

    Just add boiling water and top with cream for a genuine and consistent Irish Coffee every time .

  11. 两杯爱尔兰咖啡下肚,两位英国客人断定,今天不穿滑雪服也能玩儿。

    Two Irish coffees later the two English visitors judged that play would be possible without ski jackets .

  12. 爱尔兰咖啡是这个酒保为了一位美丽的空姐而调制的。

    The coffee of Ireland is this bartender for the sake of a beautiful stewardess but make of .

  13. 这是为何爱尔兰咖啡最早出现在爱尔兰的都柏林,却盛行于旧金山的原因。

    And this is why the Irish coffee turned up in Dublin of Ireland but was popular in San Francisco .

  14. 有人说爱尔兰咖啡的发明人是都柏林机场的酒保。

    Someone says that the contrivance person of the coffee of Ireland is all Berlin the bartender of the airport .

  15. 当他第一次为她煮爱尔兰咖啡时,因为激动而流下了眼泪。

    When he boil the coffee of Ireland for her for the first time , flowing the bottom the tears because concussion .

  16. 所以第一口爱尔兰咖啡的味道,带着思念被压抑许久后所发酵的味道。

    So the flavor of an Ireland coffee , take to remember fondly to is suppressed for a long time behind a flavor for fermenting .

  17. 如果仔细观察,你会发现这是学术圈第一次认可爱尔兰咖啡在发现行星过程中的重要性。

    You 'll notice if you look carefully , this is the first academic acknowledgment of the importance of Irish coffee in the discovery process .

  18. 这就是为什么爱尔兰咖啡杯比一般玻璃杯耐热,而且有两条金色线的原因。

    This is why the Ireland coffee cup is more heat-proof than general glass cup , and have the linear reason in color in two golds .

  19. 你知道从酒保发明爱尔兰咖啡,到女孩点爱尔兰咖啡,经过了多久?

    You know that invents from the bartender the coffee of Ireland , go to the girl order the coffee of Ireland , passes by how long ?

  20. 那位空姐非常喜欢爱尔兰咖啡,此后只要一停留在都柏林机场,便会点一杯爱尔兰咖啡。

    That stewardess likes the coffee of Ireland very much , henceforth only on staying around all Berlin airport , would ordered then a cup Ireland coffee .

  21. 只可惜这位女孩并不是细心谨慎的人,所以一直没有发现爱尔兰咖啡。

    It is a pity that this girl only and is not with quiet attention the careful person , so has been diding not discovers the coffee of Ireland .

  22. 为了怕被她看到,他用手指将眼泪擦去,然后偷偷用眼泪在爱尔兰咖啡杯口画了一圈。

    For fearing were seen by her , he point to wipe the tears to go to by hand , then using the tears secretly to draw in Ireland coffee cup a turn .

  23. 制作爱尔兰咖啡的方法有好多种,但是我在这里要讲的,只是我自己亲身体验过的感受。那是在我特别喜欢去的一个爱尔兰当地酒吧里的享受。

    There are a few different recipes of making an Irish coffee , but I can only talk from my own experience and how I usually enjoy it when I visit my favorite local Irish Pub .

  24. 酒保可能只想为她煮杯爱尔兰咖啡,并不在乎她是否能体会他的心血与执着,也不在乎她是否会感动。

    The bartender mays think only of to boil cup Ireland coffee for her , and don 't care whether she can realize his strenuous efforts or not with persist , and also don 't care whether she will move or not .

  25. 去年11月,星巴克(starbucks)咖啡连锁店宣布,到2009年底,其在英国和爱尔兰所有咖啡店内销售的浓缩咖啡都将是公平贸易认证咖啡。

    In November last year , the Starbucks coffee shop chain announced that by the end of 2009 , all espresso coffee sold in its stores in the UK and Ireland would be Fairtrade certified .

  26. 商店里也会出售绿色的面食、绿色的冰淇淋以及绿色的面包,并且整天人们都会和浓味爱尔兰热咖啡,唱爱尔兰民歌。

    Shops prepare green pasta , green ice cream , and green bread , and people drink green beer and Irish coffee and sing Irish songs throughout the day .