
  • 网络Love in the heart;love in heart;La La Love On My Mind;bugs in love;love is inside
  1. 因为爱在我心中,我寻求认识上的升华。

    With love in my heart I ask for a true shift in perception .

  2. 它夺走了她的爱在她的心中留下了一个大洞

    It took away her love , left a big hole in her heart .

  3. 爱在她的心中是至高无上的。

    Love ruled supreme in her heart .

  4. 爱你在心中!

    I love you so !

  5. 不过,倘若我的声音从你们耳边远逝,我的爱在你们心中消失,那我还会再来。

    But should my voice fade in your ears , and my love vanish in your memory , then I will come again .

  6. 所以我的主张是:爱就在我们心中。

    So my final statement is : love is in us .

  7. 我们的爱时时在你们心中!

    So our love in our hearts is with all of you .

  8. 让爱在我的心中荡漾。

    Let love in my heart ripple .

  9. 爱在我的心中,因为有爱,使我无所畏惧。

    Love in my heart , because there is love , that I have no fear .

  10. 那晚,他抓紧每个机会表现他对他们的爱和在他心中特殊的地位。

    That night , he took every opportunity to reassure them of his love and their special place in his heart .

  11. 仅仅等待爱在你们的心中成长。如果事与愿违,你也应该为心中有爱而满足。

    just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn 't , be content it grew in yours .

  12. 爱是开在心中的花朵,只有当我们把它献给对方的时候,才能看见它的笑容。

    We hold love in our hearts rather than our hands , and we see it only when we give it to another .

  13. 不要等待爱情的回报,等待爱情在他们心中生长吧。如果没有的话,为爱在你的心中生长而满足。

    Don 't wait for love in return , just wait for it to grow in their heart but if does 't , be content it grows in yours .

  14. 但我们必须紧记,神的每个行动都是出于对我们的爱。在天父心中,每个儿女都同样宝贵。我们应该为此而感恩。

    But remember His every action is motivated by love and we ought to be very thankful that He is our loving Father to whom every child is exceptionally precious .

  15. 希望与失望、追求与放弃、爱与恨在心中辗转千百回,才学会用冷漠淡笑一切。

    I hope and disappointment , and to give up the pursuit of love and hate in the hearts of thousands of travel time , learned to use all Danxiao indifference .

  16. 默默地为苦难贫穷的人群服务,向那些不信叛逆的人传道医病、行神迹,为将祂的大爱浇灌在人心中。

    In His dealings with the poor and needy , and those who were unbelieving and rebellious , and through His miracles , He poured out His love into the hearts of sinful men .

  17. 爱就是你在他心中永远像珍珠一样珍贵。

    Love is when you 're the Pearl in his oyster .

  18. 只要「爱」在我的心中,它就无所不在。

    As long as love is in my heart , it 's everywhere .

  19. 你的爱永远铭刻在我心中。

    Your love is written on my heart .

  20. 谁能说明,当道路在此汇聚,爱或许已在你心中滋生?

    Who can say when the roads meet , that they might be in your heart ?

  21. 难怪在这个原本寒冷的季节会有这么多节日出现,因为有温暖就会有爱,有爱在心中荡漾就会有心情去装点每一个即将到来的节日。

    Because warm can bring love , we have a mind to decorate every festal at hand and so many festivals come , in the winter .

  22. 他的优雅,他的才气,和他的气度与他那对世间生灵的广博的爱,都在我心中留下了深深的印象。

    His elegance , his talent , and his tolerance and his broad range of creatures of the world love in my heart left a deep impression .

  23. 真正的爱是永远燃烧在心中的火焰,永不厌倦,永不老,永不死,永不回头。

    True love is a durable fire , in the mind ever burning , never sick , never old , never dead , from itself never turning .

  24. 如果你的心中没有爱,就等待它在你心中扎根,心甘情愿地让爱在心中成长。

    just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn 't , be content it grows in yours .

  25. 不要期待着爱的回报,仅仅等待爱在心中成长。如果事与愿违,你也应该为你心中有爱而满足。

    Don 't expect love in return , just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn 't , be content it grew in yours .

  26. 不要期盼爱的回报,仅仅等待爱之火在他心中渐生渐长。

    Do not expect love in return ; just wait for it to grow in their heart .

  27. 你可以从爱中得到许多勇气和力量。因为有爱在你的心中,你可以度过那些困难的日子。

    You can get a lots of courage from love and with love in your heart , you will overcome that bad times .

  28. 这样超自然的大爱,若非藉著内住的圣灵,将上帝的爱浇灌在我们心中,我们是无法做到的。

    This supernatural power will be the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit , living and working within us .