
  • 网络oat bread;rye bread
  1. 燕麦面包很耐嚼。

    Meal makes very chewy bread .

  2. 从全质构各参数值可看出,与普通燕麦面包相比,燕麦酸面团面包具有更优的品质。

    TPA parameters showed that the quality of oat sourdough bread was better than common oat bread .

  3. 黑麦面包带给你好事,大麦面包带给你无灾,小麦面包甜润你的血液,燕麦面包使你的双臂有力。

    Rye bread will do you good , barley bread will do you no harm , wheaten bread will sweeten your blood , oaten bread will strengthen your arm .

  4. 感官评定结果显示,燕麦酸面团面包为消费者所喜爱。

    Sensory evaluation also showed oat sourdough bread was accepted by consumers .

  5. 结果表明,燕麦粉营养面包烘焙的最佳因素水平组合为:燕麦粉添加量15%、氧化剂添加量0.3%、乳化剂添加量1.0%。

    The results showed that the best combination was 15 % oatmeal , 0.3 % oxidant , 1.0 % emulsifier .

  6. 沙蒿籽粉和谷朊粉共同使用的效果优于两者单独使用;加入2.5%沙蒿籽粉和8%谷朊粉对燕麦全粉面包和馒头品质改善效果最好。

    The best compositions of oat whole meal bread and steam bread are 2.5 % ASK and 8.0 % vital gluten .

  7. 烤饼是从苏格兰流传而来的英国小吃,与小麦、大麦或燕麦烤制的面包有几分相像。

    Scones are a British snack of Scottish origin , similar to a quickbread made of wheat , barley or oatmeal .

  8. 当地的基督复临安息日会(Seventh-dayAdventists)教友普遍要比一般的美国人更长寿,这要多谢他们以素食为主的饮食,其中含有大量的坚果、豆类、燕麦、全麦面包和牛油果。

    and Loma Linda , Calif. , where Seventh-day Adventists have a tendency to outlive their fellow Americans , thanks to a mostly vegetarian diet that is heavy on nuts , beans , oatmeal , 100 percent whole-grain bread and avocados .

  9. 我昨天早餐喝了果汁,吃了燕麦粥和烤面包。

    I had juice , oatmeal and toast for breakfast yesterday .

  10. 我也是。我喝了橙汁,吃了燕麦粥和干面包。

    I did , too . I had orange juice , oatmeal , and dry toast .

  11. 在英格兰中部地区偏北的地方,人们有时候会用燕麦饼代替煎面包,而苏格兰早餐会有土豆煎饼和方形香肠。

    In the North Midlands , oatcakes sometimes replace fried bread and the Scots includes tattie scones and Lorne sausage 。

  12. 运动后九十分钟内食大部分碳水化合物,且用全谷:燕麦、大米、面包等。健康脂肪。

    Eat the bulk of your carbs within 90 mins post exercise & go whole grain : oats , rice , breads , ... Healthy Fats .

  13. 全麦、麸皮、小麦胚芽与糙米、燕麦、全麦面包、大麦和其他粮食一样都含有丰富的叶酸。

    Whole wheat , bran , and wheat germ have high contents of folate , as do brown rice , oatmeal , whole-grain breads , barley , and others .

  14. 发表在美国临床营养学杂志上一项研究表明:使用含有大量全谷物类食物(比如燕麦或全麦面包)能和抗高血压的药物一样能够降低高血压。

    One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a diet which includes plenty of whole-grains ( such as oats or wholemeal bread ) is just as effective as taking anti-hypertensive medication to lower blood pressure !

  15. 冻干过程中会丧失一些风味物质或风味前体物质,与燕麦酸面团冻干粉面包相比,燕麦酸面团面包中含有一些独有风味物质。

    Some flavor compounds or flavor precursors were lost during freeze drying . Comparing with the other samples , oat sourdough bread owned some unique flavor compounds .