
  • 网络Yanshan University;YSU;ysu.edu.cn
  1. 用X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)和X射线衍射法(XRD)分别测试了秦皇岛北戴河燕山大学北侧红色风化壳(简称燕大风化壳)主量元素和粘粒粘土矿物。

    We have measured the major elements and identified clay minerals of the red weathering crusts to the northern part of Yanshan University , Beidaihe coast , Qinhuangdao , North China , by means of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction analysis .

  2. 燕山大学数学教师发展规划初探

    Probe into the Development Program of Math Teachers in Yanshan University

  3. 关于燕山大学两课教学改革特点的分析

    Analysis on Teaching Reform Characteristics of Two Courses in Yanshan University

  4. 关于燕山大学会计教育改革的探讨

    Study on the Reform in Accounting Education in Yanshan University

  5. 燕山大学继续教育学院教学管理一席谈

    About Teaching Administration in Continuous Education College of Yanshan University

  6. 燕山大学学分制实施过程中的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Implementing Credit System at Yanshan University

  7. 基于学分制的燕山大学教学管理信息系统

    The Instruction Management Information System Based on Credit System of Yanshan University

  8. 燕山大学发展高等职业教育的可行性探析

    On Feasibility of Developing Higher Vocational Education of Yanshan University

  9. 燕山大学机械工程学院;

    College of Mechanical Engineering of Yanshan University ; 2 .

  10. 燕山大学大学生就业工作的探析

    On Employment Work of University Students in Yanshan University

  11. 燕山大学旅游管理专业(本科)课程设置评价及优化

    Curriculum Design Evaluation and Optimization for Tourism Management ( Undergraduate ) in Yanshan University

  12. 燕山大学西校区二、三组团规划设计

    The planning of the second and the third part of Yanshan University West Campus

  13. 燕山大学学府文化建设刍议

    On the School Culture Building of Yanshan University

  14. 浅议图书馆人力资源管理的方法&燕山大学图书馆个案分析

    Human Resources Management of Library & a Case Analysis of the Library in Yanshan University

  15. 关于高等学校开展知识产权教育的思考&以燕山大学为例

    Discussion on the Intellectual Property Education in Colleges and Universities & Taking Yanshan University as Example

  16. 然后通过实验研究来验证以上假设。实验对象来自燕山大学里仁学院,60名2007级非英语专业学生。

    The subjects in the study were 60 non-English majors of 2007 in Liren College of Yanshan University .

  17. 燕山大学校长讲话&抓住机遇自主发展推进教育改革

    Speech of a president of Yanshan University & Grasp Every Opportunity , Develop Independently and Promote Reform in Education

  18. 燕山大学源于哈尔滨工业大学,始建于1920年。

    Yanshan University inherited its academic legacy from the Harbin Institute of Technology ( HIT ) which was founded in1920 .

  19. 最后,利用燕山大学300四辊实验轧机进行对比性实验,验证理论模型,为优化控制策略以提高系统性能奠定基础。

    At last , to improve control strategy by verifying the theoretical model based on the Yanshan University 300 four-high mill experiment .

  20. 从四级考试成绩审视燕山大学大学英语教学学业欠佳大学生的英语学习动机与英语成绩的关系(英文)

    Reflections on College English teaching in Yanshan University from analyzing CET-4 results ; LESS SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS MOTIVATION AND THEIR TEST PERFORMANCES ;

  21. 燕山大学于上世纪九十年代初,在国内率先对精密冷滚轧成形技术进行了深入的研究,并取得了开创性科研成果。

    Since 1990s , Yanshan University has researched on precision cold rolling forming technology deeply in domestic and has obtained creative scientific research achievements .

  22. 1960年学校独立办学并定名为东北重型机械学院,后更名为燕山大学。

    In1960 , the school became independent as the Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute which later adopted the present name of Yanshan University ( YSU ) .

  23. 以燕山大学的教育教学改革为背景,论述了提高教育教学质量的重要性,并指出培养人才要树立质量意识和坚持质量标准,教改的关键要发挥教师的作用。

    It is of great importance to improve on the quality of education and teaching , of which the crux is to bring the teachers into play .

  24. 作者从教学的系统性出发提出燕山大学应开设第三个层次教育,并从问题入手激发学生的学习兴趣和动力。

    The author put forward that yanshan university should establish the third level education from teaching system to stimulate students ' interest and power from some problems .

  25. 介绍了燕山大学金工实习教学的教学体系、教学方法和教学模式等方面的改革与实践情况,提出了进一步深化金工实习教学改革的方法。

    This paper introduces the reform and practice in teaching system , teaching method and teaching pattern of practical teaching of metallurgical technology , and presents methods of deepening teaching reform .

  26. 不过,燕山大学的迅猛发展告诉我们,留下来未必没有出路,相反,前途很光明!

    However , the Yanshan University 's rapid development tells us , remains down does not have the outlet not necessarily , on the contrary , the future is very bright !

  27. 本文通过对燕山大学大学生就业工作的调查,分析了就业工作的现状及存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。

    By making investigations of graduates ' employment work in Yanshan University , the paper analyzes the conditions and the existing problems in employment , thus comes up with the corresponding countermeasures .

  28. 而本文所提出的是一种特殊类型的液压马达。该种液压马达是由燕山大学闻德生教授经过多年悉心研究的成果。

    In this paper , we present a special type of hydraulic motors which invented by Prof Wen desheng who is the professor of Yanshan University after many years of careful researches .

  29. 本文介绍了燕山大学机器人研究中心18年来在并联机器人机构学基础理论上的研究道路和研究成绩。

    This paper introduced the research way and the achievements made by the Robotics Research Center of Yanshan University on the basic theory of the parallel robot during the past 18 years .

  30. 针对燕山大学会计教育目标的改革和新型会计人才培养模式进行了探讨,提出了几条会计专业教育教学改革的具体措施。

    This paper studies the reform in the aim of ac-counting education and the training mode to produce new type accountants , and puts forward some concrete measures for ac-counting education reform .