
  • 网络Gas cookers;GAS STOVE;gas cooking appliances
  1. 其主要产品包括:燃气灶具、燃气热水器、吸油烟机、保洁碗柜、户外取暖器及其它电器产品系列。

    Now its main products include gas cookers , gas water heater , cooker hoods , sterilizing , patio heaters and other electric appliances etc.

  2. 产品主要包括燃气快速热水器和燃气灶具。

    Products are mainly Gas Water Heaters and Gas Cookers .

  3. 天然气置换过程中家用燃气灶具的改装

    Refitting of Family Gas Cooker in NG Conversion

  4. 智能燃气灶具控制器的设计

    The Controller Design of Intelligent Household Electronic Appliances

  5. 高效红外线辐射燃气灶具节能原理的探讨

    Energy-saving Theory of Infrared Radiation Gas Utensils

  6. 本系统对家用燃气灶具的热工性能指标进行了自动检测,检测精度高,可靠性好。

    The system can test thermal performance of domestic gas appliances with high precision and reliability .

  7. 介绍了家用燃气灶具生产企业实验室的设置和储存燃气的安全要求。

    The set-up of manufacture enterprise laboratory for domestic hotplate and safety requirement of gas storage are introduced .

  8. 研究表明,燃气灶具的喷嘴进行改造后,可以满足燃用天然气的要求。

    The study shows that the gas ranges can satisfy the requirements for natural gas after the reformation of nozzle .

  9. 本公司是中国最早将“氟碳”工艺彩面用于燃气灶具的厂家,已申领国家专利。

    It 's the first manufacturer that applied the FL-Carbon crafts to gas cooker , which has been awarded the national patent .

  10. 新型红外线金属网式燃气灶具可使燃气趋于完全燃烧,提高热效率,达到保护环境的目的。

    The brand-new infrared-radiation-grill gas utensil could nearly achieve complete combustion so as to increase the heat efficiency and therefore protect the environment .

  11. 针对重新点火燃烧的情况,设计出一种具有自动检测熄火及连续点火功能的安全型燃气灶具控制电路是可行的。

    On reignition case , this article introduces you to a control circuit of safety Gas Burning Stove with self-inspection for flameout and continuous ignition .

  12. 论述了一种用于家用燃气灶具检测的自动控制系统的功能与结构、硬件与系统软件的设计以及该系统的优势。

    The functions and structure of an automatic control system for detecting domestic hot-plate , the design of hardware and system software and the dominance of this system are expounded .

  13. 生物质燃气专用灶具技术参数及性能试验研究

    Experiment of Technical Parameters and Performance of Biomass - Gas Appliance

  14. 生物质燃气专用灶具的设计

    Design of Biomass Gas Appliance

  15. 农作物秸秆灶具燃烧性能试验研究(英文)生物质燃气专用灶具的设计

    Experimental researches on combustion performance of gas technical parameters and performance of the special biomass gas appliance appliances with straws Design of Biomass Gas Appliance

  16. 众所周知,对于特定种类的燃气,由其灶具的工作稳定性条件所决定的低压管网系统的允许压力降为定值,并按一定比例关系分配到低压管网系统的干管和庭院管道这两部分内。

    A pressure drop for the low pressure gas distribution system specified to fit the stability of gas appliance operating conditions , is generally taken as constant value .

  17. 随着城市燃气行业的迅速发展,燃气灶具的应用越来越广泛。

    More and more gas appliances are widely used with the rapid development of city gas industry .