
  • 网络FUEL;fuel cost;cost of fuel
  1. 这种机器可替您省下一大笔燃料费。

    This machine will allow you to drastically cut fuel costs .

  2. 你应当把燃料费计算在内。

    You should reckon in the cost of fuel .

  3. 铁路运输集装箱用高可靠性、节省燃料费的冷冻机组

    High-Reliable and Fuel-Efficient Refrigeration Unit for Railway Transportation Containers

  4. 住在那可节省燃料费。

    Living there will save on fuel .

  5. 男:抱歉,我没钱了,付不起燃料费。

    M : Sorry . I 've run out of money and can hardly pay the fuel bill .

  6. “如果你给热水箱装上外套,你就可以少付燃料费帐了。”

    " If you lag your hot water tank , you will save money on your fuel bills . "

  7. 与核心通货膨胀不同的是整体物价消费度量标准包括迅速增长的燃料费以及食品价格。

    Unlike core inflation , the headline measure includes fuelcosts , which rose sharply , as well as food prices .

  8. 太阳能看似丰富和无燃料费,然而其能量密度和温度都很低。

    Solar energy appears to be abundant and free , however , its energy density and temperature are both low .

  9. 新型机组比既有型提高了可靠性,并节省燃料费。

    The reliability of the new refrigeration unit is improved and the fuel efficient is saved comparing with the existing refrigeration unit .

  10. 与其它父母轮流担任接送勤务,是减少交通拥挤的好方法,可以降低废气排放和节省燃料费。

    Sharing the school-run with a roster of parents is a great way to cut congestion , reduce emissions and save on your fuel bill .

  11. 在此基础上计算了各个方案的防洪效益、发电效益、逐年的投资、运行费以及补充火电的燃料费等。

    Based upon such a foundation , the benefits of flood control and hydroelectric power annual investment operation cost as well as fuel consumption of supplementary thermal electricity were computed .

  12. 据英国石油公司内部人士称,除了支付给参与“滤油”渔民的伙食费和燃料费外,公司每天还要给他们支付1200美元到1300美元。

    A BP source says the company is paying them between $ 1,200 and $ 3,000 a day , in addition to which they are reimbursed for their meals and fuel .

  13. 在船舶的营运费用中,燃料费所占的比例持续攀升,节约燃料已经成为国际航运造船界最为关心的大事之一。

    In the operation cost of ship , the proportion of fuel cost is also increasing . Saving fuel has become one of the most concerned things in international shipping and shipbuilding industry .

  14. 应用推导出的计算公式计算并调整外输起点温度,可以大大降低不必要的能量消耗,每年可节约燃料费29.2×10~4RMB¥。

    The application of the temperature calculated by the deduced formula as the starting temperature of transmission can greatly reduce energy consumption and annually 292 000 RMB Yuan of fuel cost can be saved .

  15. 乙方在租赁期间要解决司机的休息场所和停车场地,负责用车期间所发生的燃料费、停车费、过江费、以及过桥过路费。

    Party B shall offer the resting place and gas oil cost and parking lot to the driver and all the toll and parking charges during the using of the vehicles shall be borne by Party B.

  16. 美国铁路从1983年开始研究直线线路的轮轨润滑,第一次发现润滑的效果可节约牵引能量15~18%,采用多级铁路机油可节约燃料费1~3%。

    The straight line wheel-rail lubrication for railway was Studied in 1983 in USA. The effect in lubrication discovered first was to save tractive power by 15 ~ 18 % , The use of multistage lubrication oil was able to save fuel cost by 1 ~ 3 % .

  17. 人们会认为15%的燃料附加费是一种高额税费。

    The15 % surcharge on fuel will be seen as a tax too far .

  18. 检查中,对于即将加收临时燃料附加费可能带来的客源等问题,出租车司机也大都表示坦然。

    In response to the subsequence of the surcharge , the taxi drivers said they don 't worry too much about the decrease of passengers .

  19. 下一步,物价等相关部门将启动出租车调价程序,待出租车运价新方案出台后,将取消出租车临时燃料附加费。

    The municipal price control and other related departments will soon start an adjustment process for taxi price , after a new taxi tariff is in practice , the collection of fuel surcharge will stop .

  20. 工业应用试验结果表明,该轻烃燃料具有低硫、高热值的特点,与液化气相比可降低陶瓷窑的燃料费13.6%左右。

    Its application result in a ceramic kiln showed that the said fuel had the characteristics of low sulfur and high heat value , in comparison with the LPG , the fuel cost reduced by13.6 % .

  21. Mirai等氢燃料电池汽车被一些人视为对纯电动汽车的改进,因为氢动力汽车的续航里程和补充燃料所费时间可与汽油车和柴油车媲美。

    Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles such as the Mirai are seen by some as an improvement on pure electric cars , as they offer range and refuelling time that is competitive with petrol and diesel models .