
yùn dǒu
  • iron;flatiron;sadiron;pressing flatiron
熨斗 [yùn dǒu]
  • [pressing flatiron] 烫衣服用的金属器具

熨斗[yùn dǒu]
  1. 这种熨斗如有工艺缺陷可保修一年。

    This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship .

  2. 只要提出要求,清理房间的女服务员就会送来熨斗或电吹风。

    Chambermaids will bring an iron or hair dryer on request .

  3. 我能用这个插座插一下熨斗吗?

    Can I use this plug for my iron ?

  4. 料子可以洗,但勿用熨斗熨,或尽量少烫。

    Materials are all washable and none or minimum iron .

  5. 她用熨斗把他的裤子烫出折来。

    She creased his pants with an iron .

  6. 用熨斗把褶子烙平。

    Iron out the wrinkles .

  7. 熨斗压在湿布上时发出了嘶嘶声。

    The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth .

  8. 她很快地将手从火烫的熨斗上缩了回来

    She quickly withdrew her hand from the hot iron .

  9. 使用时.把烧红了的炭放在熨斗内.待热力传遍。便可用来熨衣服

    Irons__red-hot charcoals were used to heat up the irons .

  10. 热熨斗把桌布烫焦了。

    The hot iron scorched the tablecloth .

  11. 我从Risky那给你买熨斗了坏了

    I got you an iron from Risky . It broke .

  12. 电熨斗后盖注射成型CAE分析

    The CAE analysis of electric iron back - cover

  13. 小KK卡莉·克劳斯资助了21位年轻女性,让她们接受熨斗学校为期两周的编码学习。

    In 2015 , Karlie Kloss sponsored 21 young women so they could attend a two-week coding class at the Flatiron School .

  14. 这种Swash产品是洗衣机和熨斗一体机,可对衣服进行清新和去除异味,并且按下按钮后还能熨烫——所需要的时间相当于洗一次澡。

    The Swash is a washing machine and iron inone that refreshes clothes , removes odours and flattens out wrinkles at thepress of a button - and does so all in the time it takes to have a shower .

  15. 爱德华·斯泰肯(EdwardSteichen)1904年拍摄他的标志性作品&纽约熨斗大厦时,那座大厦刚建成两年,是纽约最高的建筑之一,也是现代性的象征之作。

    When Edward Steichen took his iconic photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York in 1904 , the structure itself was only two years old , one of the tallest in the city and the very epitome of modernity .

  16. 是的,我用的妈妈的蒸汽熨斗。

    Yes , I used the steam of mother 's hate .

  17. 我们有两个电熨斗,但都坏了!

    We have two electric irons , and both are broken !

  18. 发皱的丝绸可以用熨斗烫平。

    The wrinkled silk will flatten out if you iron it .

  19. 用整个熨斗把你的头敲开怎样?

    How about I open up your skullwith a tire iron ?

  20. 模糊控制应用研究&介绍一种智能式工业熨斗

    An Application of Fuzzy Control-An Introduction of Intelligent Industrial Electric Iron

  21. 电熨斗底板水溶性聚四氟乙稀真空静电喷涂工艺

    Electric iron botto water soluble polytetrafluoroethylene vacuum electrostatic spray painting technique

  22. 吹风机与电熨斗已经成为普及的居家电器。

    Hair drier and electric iron is popular in our life .

  23. 如果衣物比较僵硬,用电熨斗的蒸汽熨烫。

    Apply steam using an iron if the garment is stiff .

  24. 这种熨斗只能使用交流电。

    This iron can only be used with alternating current .

  25. 我让电熨斗狠狠地电了一下。

    I got a nasty shock from the electric iron .

  26. 用于加热器类型产品,如熨斗、土司烘烤机等等。

    Required for heater-type application , such as irons , toasters , etc.

  27. 你知道我能在哪儿买到电熨斗吗?

    Do you know where I can buy an iron ?

  28. 六点的钟声敲响时,艾奇·斯尼格弗里兹放下了熨斗。

    At the stroke of six Ikey Snigglefritz laid down his goose .

  29. 如果熨斗过热,你会把睡衣烫焦。

    If the iron is too hot you 'll singe that nightdress .

  30. 或许不是,但是我的熨斗旧了。

    A : Maybe not , but my iron was getting old .