
Giant Panda Fecal DNA Purification Techniques in PCR Reaction
One may imagine that the world 's most expensive tea might have some curative properties , but using panda feces as a fertilizer definitely seems a little bizarre .
Talk about typing a word into the Google machine for perfectly innocent reasons and getting completely perturbing results for your efforts . Diamonds concocted from tequila , panda poop used as compost , uncontrollable coffee mugs , strangely swishy ponytails and the brain activity of dead salmon were some of the tame ones .
Fresh feces of Giant Panda , collected without contamination , was inoculated into the common broths and the anaerobic meat liver soups respectively and then cultured for 24 ~ 48h in 37 ℃ .
He collects the excrement from a panda breeding center in southern China .
IF you always want to take care of baby pandas , have breakfast with pandas and smell panda feces to tell whether the animal is healthy , then this competition is for you .