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xī jiāo
  • quenching
熄焦[xī jiāo]
  1. 熄焦时间缩短了50~80s,用水量减少了20%~40%,焦炭水分降低了1%。

    The coke quenching time is shortened by 50 ~ 80s , water consumption is reduced by 20 % ~ 40 % and coke moisture is reduced by 1 % .

  2. 在安阳钢铁集团有限责任公司焦化厂,模拟熄焦过程和焦炭转运过程,采用平面和立体喷洒方式向焦炭喷洒ZBS(焦炭改性剂)溶液。

    The coke was sprayed with the ZBS solution to simulate coke quenching and cooling process at Anyang Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd.

  3. 低水分熄焦工艺在石焦6m焦炉上的应用

    Application of low - moisture quench in G in 6 m coke oven

  4. 氨氮去除率大于60%,COD去除率大于70%,处理后的回用水水质符合工艺要求,用作熄焦及洗煤补充水。

    The rate of denitrifying and deammoniation is more than 60 % , and the rate of reduction of COD is more than 70 % . The water after treatment can be used for extinction of coke and coal washing .

  5. 一座36m高的钢筋混凝土框架结构熄焦塔下有需要保护的铁路线。

    There is a railway necessary to be protected under a coke-quenching tower with 36-meter height and reinforced concrete frame structure .

  6. JX-5-3型熄焦车车门水套结构改造

    Reform of the water jacket of the door of JX-5-3 type coke quenching car

  7. 模拟焦化厂熄焦过程和焦炭转运过程,用ZBS溶液对焦炭进行处理,通过系列实验重点研究了ZBS添加剂对焦炭反应性、反应后强度的影响。

    The coke was first sprayed with the ZBS solution under simulating coke quenching process and cool-coke transport process at coke plant . The influence of the ZBS additive on coke property such as CRI and CSR has been analyzed and discussed by means of a series of experiments .

  8. 干法熄焦与湿法熄焦对焦炭热态性能的影响

    Impact of Dry and Wet Quenching on the Thermo-property of Coke

  9. 湿法与干法熄焦过程对环境影响的评述

    Comment on Environment Impact Caused Coke Wet and Dry Quenching Process

  10. 无缝焊接长轨在焦炉熄焦车轨道上的应用

    Applying adopting solderless joint long rail to rail of quenching car

  11. 干法熄焦技术进展及应用前景

    Development of the Dry Coke Quenching Technology and Its Application Prospect

  12. 碱金属对干湿法熄焦焦炭热性能的影响

    Influences of Basic Metal on the Thermal Properties of Quenched Coke

  13. 熄焦塔污染物现状研究

    Study on the Present Status of Coking Crushing out Tower Contaminants

  14. 熄焦水泵无触点控制装置的研究

    Research on no touch control unit of extinguishing coke water pump

  15. 干熄焦红焦烘炉的研究与应用

    Study & Application of CDQ Oven Drying by the Hot Coke

  16. 低水份熄焦技术在焦化厂的设计应用

    Application of Lower Water Coke Quenching Technique in the Coking Plant

  17. 湿法熄焦工艺中废气污染物排放分析

    Discharging analysis of exhaust contamination in wet extinguishing coke process

  18. 熄焦塔污染源调查与影响分析

    Investigation to pollution from coke extinction and its influence analysis

  19. 低水分熄焦技术简介

    A Brief Introduction to Low Water Consumption Coke Quenching Technology

  20. 用熄焦粉处理焦化废水的试验研究

    Study on Treatment of Coking Wastewater by Extinguishing Coke Powder Adsorption-Bioaeration Process

  21. 低水熄焦工艺的应用与问题探讨

    Application of Low Water Coke Quenching Process and Problem Probing

  22. 熄焦水泵进水口过滤装置的改进

    An improvement on the filter in water inlet of coke quenching pump

  23. 熄焦车自动定位停车控制器的设计

    Designing of the controller for coke - quenching vehicle automation stop control

  24. 熄焦机的腐蚀防护关于我国机焦能力的商榷

    ANTI-CORROSION OF COKE QUENCHING CAR Discussion on China 's Machine Coke Capacity

  25. 熄焦塔的控制爆破拆除

    Demolition of a coke - quenching tower by controlled blasting

  26. 干切削加工刀具熄焦机的腐蚀防护

    Cuting Tools for Dry Machining ANTI-CORROSION OF COKE QUENCHING CAR

  27. 研究了干、湿法熄焦焦炭的催化性能。

    The catalytic performance of coke from wet quenching and CDQ is studied .

  28. 不同熄焦方式的焦化废水对水环境影响分析

    Comparison of Different Coke Quenching Methods on Water Environment

  29. 熄焦水泵控制系统改进

    Innovation of Pump Control System for Coke Quenching

  30. 低水分熄焦工艺的应用与改进

    Application of low-moisture quenching technology and its improvement