
shā fēnɡ jǐnɡ
  • 熟语be a wet blanket;spoil the fun
煞风景 [shā fēng jǐng]
  • [spoil the fun] 损坏美好的景色。比喻在欢快的场合使人扫兴。也作“杀风景”

  1. 我们不会那么煞风景,偏要说不信。

    We would not spoil the fun by saying we didn 't believe in him .

  2. 这座新办公楼很是煞风景。

    The new office block is an excrescence .

  3. 例句我不想煞风景,但是你完成这件事之前不准回家。

    I hate2 to rain on your parade , but you 're not going3 home until4 you 've finished5 that .

  4. 你肯定会让整个谈话煞风景的!

    Trust you to lower the tone of the whole conversation !

  5. 投票那天反倒平平淡淡,未免有点煞风景。

    Polling day was uneventful , a bit of an anticlimax .

  6. 在这愉快的时刻,你不要说煞风景的话。

    At such a happy moment , please stop saying unpleasant things .

  7. 正餐与甜点不免有些煞风景。

    Dinner and dessert might spoil the magic .

  8. 没有预约就登门拜访是古怪无礼的行为,往往很煞风景。

    Showing up with no appointment is impolite , weird , and often a deal-breaker .

  9. 我不是想煞风景,只不过那是不可能的。

    Not to be Johnny rain cloud here , but that 's not gonna happen .

  10. 还是她做回乖乖女,反成为当晚最煞风景的人?

    or will her goody two-shoes mind-set turn into the night 's biggest buzz kill ?

  11. 当你们共进浪漫晚餐时,没有比一群孩子吵吵闹闹更煞风景的事了。

    Nothing kills the atmosphere of a romantic dinner more than an army of screaming children .

  12. 可是,病的软如海绵让人数煞风景!

    However , the disease , such as soft sponge so that the number of Sha Fengjing !

  13. 在电视播演歌剧时插播宠物食品广告真是煞风景。

    Interrupting an opera on television for a pet food commercial is going from the sublime to the ridiculous .

  14. 我讨厌做那个煞风景的人,但是你学校的队伍昨晚没赢。

    I hate to be the one to burst your bubble , but your school 's team didn 't win last night .

  15. 另外,将近一半的单身汉同意:约会时最销魂最煞风景的话题就是你的前任。

    Nearly half of singles agree & the best way to kill a conversation with a date is to talk about your past relationships .

  16. 所以,如果我没有表现出反应热烈,尤其是如果所有的观点没有全被考虑到时,请不要认为我是煞风景的人。

    So don 't get the feeling that I 'm a wet blanket if I don 't react enthusiasm , especially if all viewpoints have not been considered .

  17. 他告诉我,他决定要努力写作,不喝酒了,可是姗尔达却把他当作一个煞风景或扫人家兴的人。

    He had decided , he told me , to work hard and not to drink and Zelda was treating him as though he were a kill-joy or a spoilsport .

  18. 又到了一年中一盒盒心形巧克力受宠的日子,我希望这时候问一个客观的科学问题不会太煞风景:我们人类一夫一妻真的是天性吗?

    In this time of year for heart-shaped boxes of chocolate , I hope it won 't seem too cynical to ask an objective scientific question : Are we humans actually monogamous by nature ?

  19. 英国社区事务大臣埃里克•皮科尔斯和交通事务大臣菲利普•哈蒙德日前致信英格兰地方市政官员,要求展开整治市容工作,清除街道上的一些煞风景的标识和其它“多余的路面设施”。

    Communities Secretary Eric Pickles and Transport Secretary Philip Hammond has written to local council leaders in England , calling on them to cut the number of unsightly signs and other " street clutter . "

  20. 他很虚心的跟在后头,不愿意煞风景。浮夸虚靡之风虽古已有之,却于今为烈。

    He walked very modestly behind them . He was not willing to spoil sport . Though proneness to boasting and waste has existed for a long time , it is becoming more and more serious nowadays .

  21. 这个煞风景的词语让人情绪一落千丈。把试用一种新科技设备称为用户体验就够可怕的了,把午餐改说成客户用餐体验简直令人无法忍受。

    This dismal phrase sends the spirits into free fall . To refer to the user experience you have when trying out a new technical gadget is horrid , but to rename what used to be known as lunch a client dining experience is intolerable .

  22. 她说:“这是把风险降到最低的一种方法。另一种方法是不要用任何印花,就是简单的白色褶皱裙、白色T恤和金属高跟鞋。当然也可以全黑,但是对春天来说太煞风景了。”

    That 's one way to minimize the risk , ' she said . ' Another is to skip anything printed and go monochromatic with a white pleated skirt , white T-shirt and metallic heels . ' She added , ' You could obviously also do all-black . But how sad for spring . '
