- 名pyrophosphorylase

Cloning , Expression , and Mapping of GDP-D-mannose Pyrophosphorylase cDNA from Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum )
It is an isoform of the gene encoding large subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase ( AGPase ) .
CDNA cloning and structural analysis of rice ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase gene
Properties of UDPG PPlase in Ginkgo Seeds
Internal CO2 concentration , soluble sugar content , reductive sugar content , starch content except that at the final fruit rapid growth stage , ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and amylase activity in source leaves were not significantly affected by fruit thining .
Cellulose synase and UDPG pyrophosphorylase are the key enzymes during the biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose .
Study on Relationship between Uridine Diphosphate Glucose Pyrophosphorylase Activity and Polysaccharide Content in Hairy Root of Astragalus membranaceus
Functional Analysis of GDP-D-mannose Pyrophosphorylase ( GMPase ) Gene in Tomato
Both of ADPG and SBE played an important role to the changes of amylose and amylopectin content .
The last three committed steps in the pathway of starch biosynthesis are catalyzed by three enzymes , ADPG phosphorylase ( AGPP ), starch synthase and starch branching enzymes .
The results strongly suggest that ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase , soluble starch synthase , sucrose synthase and Q enzyme play a key role in starch synthesis of rice endosperm . And the insoluble starch synthase is mainly response for the synthesis of amylose in endosperm .
Defruiting resulted in significantly higher contents of sorbitol and starch , and higher activities of aldose-6-phosphate reductase ( A6PR ) and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase ( ADPGPPase ) as compared with the control at most time during a day .
It suggested that water stress inhibited grain filling and delayed active grain filling . Activity of key enzymes in rice grain including soluble starch synthase ( SSS ), ADP-glucose pyrophorylase ( ADPGPPase ) and soluble starch branch enzyme were decreased under water stress . 8 .
Genetic Transformation of Inorganic Pyrophosphatase Gene of Sugarcane
GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase ( GMP , EC ) catalyzes the synthesis of GDP-D-mannose and represents the first committed step in plant ascorbic acid biosynthesis .
In addition , the change content of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and the proton pyrophosphorylase and the activation of ethylene signaling pathway can be an indicator of cotton varieties resistant to low-temperature approach . 2 .
Many researches aimed primarily at enzyme characterization show that there are at least four enzymes ( including ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase , starch synthase , starch branching enzyme and starch ( debranching ) enzyme ) involved in starch biosynthesis of wheat endosperm .
The function and end use of starch relies on its structure and property . According to our current understanding , starch biosynthesis occurs mainly through the action of four classes of enzymes : ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase , starch synthase , starch-branching enzyme and debranching enzyme .