
jiāo kū
  • shrivelled;dried up;withered;scorch
焦枯 [jiāo kū]
  • [scorch] 干燥枯萎

  • 禾苗焦枯

焦枯[jiāo kū]
  1. 叶缘焦枯病菌(Xylella)被认为是世界上最危险的植物病原体之一。

    Xylella is considered to be one of the most dangerous pathogens for plants anywhere in the world .

  2. 甜菜黑色焦枯病毒基因组RNA结构与功能的研究

    Structure and Function Analysis of Beet Black Scorch Virus Genomic RNA

  3. 甜菜黑色焦枯病毒新疆分离物基因组RNA的序列分析及侵染性cDNA克隆构建

    Sequence Analysis and Construction of Infectious cDNA Clone of Beet Black Scorch Virus Xinjiang Isolate

  4. 甜菜黑色焦枯病毒外壳蛋白与病毒致病性的关系

    Effect of Beet black scorch virus Coat Protein on Viral Pathogenicity

  5. 甜菜黑色焦枯病毒和烟草坏死病毒的比较病毒学研究

    Comparative Analysis of Beet Black Scorch Virus and Tobacco Necrosis Virus COMPARE

  6. 随着我们越往南方去,土地就越焦枯。

    As we headed south the land became more parched .

  7. 枇杷叶尖焦枯病叶脉组织电镜观察初报

    A Preliminary Report on the Histopathologic Observations of Loquat Leaf Parch Blight Disease

  8. 这些形态和生理表现是桉树对焦枯病抗性的主要机制。

    These may be the main mechanism of resistance to dieback of eucalyptus .

  9. 她注视着纸片卷曲、焦枯、燃烧;转眼间它们变成了灰烬。

    She watched the paper curl and frizzle and burn ; and presently they were ashes .

  10. 桉树焦枯病的研究

    Study on the Eucalyptus Dieback

  11. 针对甘肃秦安县苹果叶缘焦枯发生严重的情况,对该地果园叶片和土壤进行了分析。

    The apple leaf and soil in orchard of Qin ′ an county of Gansu were investigated .

  12. 甘肃省秦安县苹果叶缘焦枯死亡原因的初步研究

    Preliminary Survey on the Cause of Withered and Die off of Apple Leaf in Qin ` an County of Gansu

  13. 水杨酸对焦枯病菌菌丝的生长无抑制作用,对孢子萌发的影响不显著。

    Salicylic acid ( SA ) has no inhibition in growth of hyphae , and no obvious influence on spore germination .

  14. 荧光假单胞杆菌防治桉树焦枯病研究蓝桉全同胞家系生长性状遗传稳定性分析

    Biological Control of Eucalypt Leaf Blight by Fluorescent Pseudomonas Spp ; Hereditary Stability Analysis of Growth Characters of Eucalyptus globulus Sib Family

  15. 至于地上部分呈现的症状类型则包括萎蔫、青干、叶缘焦枯以及枝枯四种。

    Up the ground , four kinds of the symptoms are wilt , suddenly desication of leave and remained green colour , scorch of leaf edge and dead of branches .

  16. 因此,多酚类物质含量、黄酮类化合物含量、多酚氧化酶活性水平及同工酶谱均可作为桉树对焦枯病抗病性的早期鉴定的重要生化指标。

    The contents of polyphenols and flavonoids , the activities level of PPO and PPO isozyme may be used as important biochemistry indexes to estimate the resistance of eucalyptus to the dieback .

  17. 若非曾经亲眼见过,有谁能想得到那一堆焦枯的尸骨也曾经是绿得发亮,在夏的炎日下闪耀着熠熠的光辉。

    If not have witnessed , there are those who want a pile of bones Scorch is also used to get shiny green in summer heat of the sun shining gleaming glory .

  18. 对桉树焦枯病病原菌3种典型的5隔膜、3隔膜和1隔膜分生孢子进行了研究。

    Parch blight was a important disease of eucalypts in South China . A survey was made of 3 typical conidia of pathogen : 1 septum , 3 and 5 septa to determine their pathogenicity .

  19. 因此,从抗病育种角度出发可将接种前后桉树过氧化物酶、超氧岐化酶活性的高低和接种后超氧岐化酶同工酶谱带作为桉树对焦枯病抗病性的早期鉴定的生化指标。

    The activities of POD and SOD before and after inoculation and the bands of SOD isozyme after inoculation could be selected as early identifying biochemistry indexes from the view of breeding for improving resistance to eucalyptus dieback .