
hàn gōng
  • welder;solderer;weldor;welding;soldering
焊工 [hàn gōng]
  • (1) [welder]∶从事焊接的人

  • (2) [solderer]∶用钎焊接合成修理金属零件的工人

  • (3) [welding] ∶用焊接制造或接合的工作

  • (4) [soldering]∶使用焊料(或焊锡)的工作

焊工[hàn gōng]
  1. 这个焊工决心集中全力工作。

    The welder bent to his work with determination .

  2. 基于ASP技术的焊工在线考试系统

    Welder on-line test system based on ASP technology

  3. 工人们认为他是数一数二的焊工。

    The workers reckon him as the best welder1 .

  4. 已公布削减五十名焊工

    Fifty welders were declared redundant .

  5. 介绍了焊工在CO2气体保护焊机的安装、使用、维护保养及维修中的注意事项。

    This paper introduces notice of installation , usage and maintenance of CO 2 gas-shielded welding machine .

  6. 金属间化合物Ni3Al基合金结构焊工研究

    Research on Structure Welding Technology of Intermetallic Ni 3 Al Based Alloys

  7. 分发焊接程序规范(WPS)和焊工核准表。

    Distribution of WPS and Welder Approval Matrix .

  8. 通过对焊接后的钢管焊缝进行CT扫描试验,可以清晰地看出焊缝成形的好坏,焊缝缺陷的所在以及缺陷形成的原因,这为焊工的操作和焊接工艺进一步的完善指明了方向。

    The welded steel pipe weld CT scan test , can clearly see that the quality of weld , weld defect location and defect formation reason , the welding operation and welding process for further improvement direction .

  9. 采用MSACCESS开发实现的焊工技术档案管理数据库系统包括资料的分类存储、维护、检索;各种技术资料信息的汇总和统计;

    The welder technical file control database system developed by MS Access include sort memory , maintenance , searches of data and collection and statistic of all technical data and information , printing of related report forms , etc.

  10. 对焊工进行有效的资质测试,并且满足NDE对工程师个人要求的技术合格证书。

    Make available qualification tests of welders and qualification records of the NDE personnel to the Engineer upon request .

  11. 但是对于一般的FLC模糊规则依赖于专家(如高级焊工)的经验。

    However , in basic FLC , the fuzzy rule relies heavily on the experts ' ( e.g. advanced welders ' ) experience .

  12. 将焊工档案按照基本信息和专业信息进行分类,并据此建立数据库,实现了Internet环境下的焊工档案录入、更新和检索。

    In this paper , the welder records are classified as basic info and professional info . A management system is accomplished based on B / S after creating the database , and the logging , renewing and searching of welder records in Internet condition is realized .

  13. 焊接烟尘浓度与焊工血中MDA含量存在明显相关(r=0.468,P<0.01)。提示电焊工人机体脂质过氧化水平增高是长期吸入焊接烟尘所致。

    Air concentrations of welding fume correlated with blood level of MDA in welders , with an r of 0 468 , P < 0 01.It suggested that the increased level of lipid peroxidation in the welders was caused by long term inhalation of welding fume .

  14. DMX-1型电子模拟式手弧焊工训练器

    Model DMX-1 electronic-simulated SMAW welder trainer

  15. 采用多焊工等速焊接立式金属油罐罐底工艺,变形量可控制在10~35mm之间。

    This paper introduces a method of welding the bottom of vertical metal oil tank with several welders in equal speed , with this method , the deformation amount may be controlled between 10 to 35 mm .

  16. 介绍了对ATB(授权的培训机构)和国际焊工考试中心的组织机构、人员、设施与设备、质量体系文件以及申请与评估验收的要求,提出了建立质量管理体系中的几个重要问题。

    This paper introduces the organization structure , personnel , facilities and equipment , quality system document of ATB and International Welder Test Institute , and introduces the requirement of application and assessment acceptance . Several important problems about how to establish the quality management system are also raised .

  17. 如需重新获得资质,则该焊工需要遵照QW-301和QW-302的要求,在一个板材附件试片,或一个管材附件试片上,进行焊接试验。

    Renewal of qualification may be made for any process by welding a single test coupon of either plate or pipe , and by testing of that coupon as required by QW-301 and QW-302 .

  18. 焊接程序规范及资质记录,以及焊工的资质记录。

    Weld procedure specification and qualification records and welders qualification record .

  19. 电站焊工考核试件的手工焊接技术

    Hand welding of test coupons for examination of power station welders

  20. 国际资质焊工培训及考试的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect on training and test of International Certified welder

  21. 基于Browser/Server的焊工档案管理系统

    Management system of welder archives based on browser / server structure

  22. 基于网络的焊工考试题库管理系统

    The management system of welder examination papers based on the web

  23. 运用数理统计方法提高焊工培训质量

    Improvement of the welder training quality by the mathematical statistical method

  24. 带有脚踏控制器接口,方便焊工操作。

    Foot control connect terminal is convenient for welder operation .

  25. 焊工加工的金属品从咖啡壶到到摩天大楼而不等;

    Welders help build metal products from coffeepots to skyscrapers .

  26. 协助主管做好对焊工的技术和安全培训;

    Assist supervisor to organize technique and safety training for the welders ;

  27. 焊工考试试板外观检查的几个问题

    Several Points on Welding Specimen Appearance Inspection in Welder Examination

  28. 油气输送管道焊工培训与管理及其发展趋势

    Oil and gas pipelines welder training and management and trend of development

  29. 河北电力系统焊工比赛程序介绍

    Introduction to Welder Competition Program for Hebei Electric Power System

  30. 强化焊工技术培训过程控制,提高长输管道焊接施工水平

    Strengthening welder technical training process control , improving long-distance pipeline welding level