
rè hào
  • Heat consumption;heat rate
热耗[rè hào]
  1. 根据实际运行热耗与极限热耗率对比,可以确定检修时间。

    The overhaul life can also be determined by comparing the actual operational heat rate with the extreme heat rate .

  2. 采用指示性相对内效率的定义,提出当量汽态线的概念,并据此推导出相应的汽轮机热耗计算模型。

    Adopting the definition of indicated relative internal efficiency , the concept of equivalent condition curve was proposed and corresponding turbine heat rate model was derived .

  3. 基于Internet的发电机组热耗率在线监测系统设计

    Design of On-Line Monitoring System for Heat Rate of Generating Unit Base on Internet

  4. 600MW超临界汽轮机热耗率偏高的原因分析

    Reason of higher heat rate of the 600 MW supercritical turbine

  5. 热力发电厂300MW汽轮机组动态热耗率的仿真研究

    A Simulation of Transients about Heat Rate of 300 MW Turbine in Thermal Power Plant

  6. 对某300MW机组汽轮机热耗率计算进行了建模,并与RBF神经网络回归模型进行了比较。

    Calculation model of heat rate for a 300 MW steam turbine is built , which is compared with the model of hear rate based on RBF .

  7. 通过现场试验,找出了昆钢650加热炉正常生产的情况下,炉子单位热耗(b)与供热比(r)之间的变化规律,并求出了该炉的最佳供热比。

    This paper discovers the rule by the site experiment that the 650 Reheating Furnace of Kunming Iron and Steel Co. whose per heat-consumption ( b ) changes with the ratio of heat-supply ( r ) and calculates the best ratio of heat-supply under normal production .

  8. 针对3G(第三代)移动通讯设备中热耗高导致设备可靠性降低的问题,用电子热仿真软件对某型号基站进行了整机建模和数值仿真。

    Aimed at the of reliability problem of the 3G ( the third Generation ) mobile communication equipment because of high thermal dissipation , a base station is modeled and simulated by a simulation tool of electronic cooling .

  9. 基于C++Builder的600MW汽轮机组热耗率计算程序的开发

    Development about Calculation Program for Thermal Consumption Rate of 600 MW Steam Turb_Generator Set Based on C + + Builder

  10. 利用EL-5100计算器快速计算建筑物采暖热耗

    Fast calculation of heating waste in the building with EL-5100 calculator

  11. 主要阐述了5H-1小型玉米烘干机设计中干燥室的物质衡算,干燥过程热量衡算,气耗量、热耗量的计算,燃烧炉的结构及风机的选择。

    The paper study material balance calculation in drying room , heat balance calculation in drying procedure , combustion oven construction and fan selection of small size corn drying machinery .

  12. 本文对350t/d、700t/d两种规格的窑,就采用NSP-4和NSP-5系统,作了热耗、电耗、综合能耗和经济效益的对比计算,给出了定量分析。

    In this article , NSP-4 and NSP-5 preheater System , which are used in both kilns of 350 t / d and 700t / d , are quantitively compared in their heat , power and overall energy consumptions , and economic benefits .

  13. 利用复合形法,以热耗为目标函数,对参数进行优化,确定了最佳工艺参数,即介质温度:100℃、介质风速:3.6m/s、厚度:56mm。

    Taking the specific energy consumption as objective function , the technological parameters were optimized by the restriction compound calculation method . The optimum conditions on the present apparatus were as follows : temperature was 100 ℃, steam velocity was 3.6 m / s , thickness was 56 mm .

  14. 优化工艺下的热耗为3941.4kJ/kg水。

    The optimum heat consumption per kilogram water was 3941.4 kJ .

  15. 汽轮机循环参数及内部工作过程对热耗率的影响

    Effect on Turbine Heat Rate of Minor Variations in Cycle Conditions

  16. 基于支持向量回归算法的汽轮机热耗率模型

    Model for the Turbine Heat Rate Based on the Support Vector Regression

  17. 热耗变换系数、抽汽效率与主循环效率

    Heat rate transformation coefficient , extraction steam efficiency and main cycle efficiency

  18. 降低气态悬浮焙烧炉热耗的措施

    The measures of reducing heat consumption of gas suspension calciner

  19. 建立改善电厂净热耗的计算机专家系统的研究

    Study on the Computer Expert System of Improving Net Station Heat Rate

  20. 发电厂监测操作站使用测定微增热耗率的现埸装置

    Plant Monitoring Workstation With Online Determination of Incremental Heat Rate

  21. 火电厂汽轮机组影响热耗率计算的因素

    Factors Effecting Heat Consumption Calculation for Steamed Turbine of Fossil-fired Power Plant

  22. 基于偏最小二乘算法的热耗率回归分析

    Heat Rate Regression Analysis Based on Partial Least Squares Algorithm

  23. 一种新型红外探测器/杜瓦瓶的热耗计算

    Calculation of the Heat Load of a New IR Detector / Dewar

  24. 阳极焙烧炉改进和降低热耗

    Improvement of anode baking furnaces to reduce heat consumption

  25. 燃烧氧弹法测定水泥熟料的理论热耗

    Determination of theoretical heat consumption for cement clinker by oxygen combustion bomb method

  26. 由于掺活性水树状油气集输系统热耗计算非常繁杂,人工设计时只能进行简化的近似计算。

    In manual design it can only made by simplified and approximate calculation .

  27. 基于虚拟测量样本的汽轮机热耗率测量不确定度评定

    Combined Uncertainty Analysis in Turbine Heat Rate Measurement Based on Virtual Distribution Sample

  28. 宽断面隧道窑综合热耗的计算机仿真原发性高血压与热毒证

    The computer simulation of the syndrome heat consumption on the wide sectional tunnel kiln

  29. 汽轮机热力性能试验不明漏量对热耗率计算公式的影响

    Effect of the Unknown Flow of Turbine Performance Test on Heat Rate Calculation Formula

  30. 通过监测锅炉运行参数改善热耗率

    Improving Heat Rate by Performance Monitoring of Boilers