
  • 网络Cogeneration;CHP;co-generation
  1. 单耗分析理论在热电联产中的应用

    The Application of Specific Consumption Analysis Theory in CHP

  2. 中国热电联产与分布式能源的新发展

    New development of CHP and distributed energy in China

  3. 热电联产和区域供热对减少CO2排放的贡献

    The contribution of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by using combined Heat and power generation and district heat supply

  4. 建筑冷热电联产(BuildingCooling,Heating&Power)作为一种新型的能源系统能缓解使用电力空调造成的电力不平衡和不足的状况。

    As an new energy system , Building Cooling , Heating & Power ( BCHP ) can lessen the electricity imbalance and shortage caused by overusing electricity to great extent .

  5. 本文扼要的总结了近年来热电联产小容量机组采用分散控制系统(Dcs)所取得的丰硕成绩和存在的问题。

    This article briefly summarizes the fruitful results and problems of using Distributed Control System ( DCS ) in small capacity cogeneration units in recent years .

  6. 采用热电联产方式的DHC在城市小区中的应用(下)

    Application of DHC Technology Using CGS to City Districts ( Part ⅱ)

  7. 通过分析从热电联产(CHP)向热电冷联产(BCHP)发展的趋势,以及在提高能源利用效率、减轻环境污染和温室效应方面的优势。

    The change from CHP to BCHP was analyzed , advantages of BCHP were introduced in improving energy utilization efficiency , reducing environmental pollution and greenhouse effect .

  8. 通过SO2总量排放的分析,导出热电联产与分散供热能源利用方式所产生SO2排放总量的比较方法和计算模式。

    By the analysis of total SO_2 emission , we can conclude comparative method and calculation model of total SO_2 emission that produced by cogenerator and separation to heat supply respectively .

  9. 200MW热电联产机组的能耗分析

    Energy Consumption Analysis of 200 MW Combined Heat and Power Generation Unit

  10. 冷热电联产(CCHP)技术可提高一次能源的利用率,降低环境污染。

    The technology of combined cold , heat and power ( CCHP ) could improve primary energy utilization efficiency , and reduce environmental pollution .

  11. 本文介绍了区域供热供冷(DHC)的发展状况(日本为例)和有关设计参数。再介绍了热电联产(CGS)的意义和各种方式的应用。

    Introduces the development and some design parameters of DHC , and then gives the meaning of CGS and all kinds of application ways .

  12. 热电联产具有很好的节能效果,但在热电联产海水淡化系统中存在着抽汽压力和MED装置所需压力不匹配的情况。

    The combined heat and power system has obvious energy saving benefit , but there is a matching problem of the pump-out pressure with that of the MED equipment in it .

  13. REXA执行器电液控制系统在145MW热电联产汽轮机上的应用

    Application of rexa actuator operated electro-hydraulic governing system on Russia made 145 MW Turbine of co-generation unit

  14. 该文利用STAR-90模块化仿真支撑系统对热电联产机组进行仿真建模。

    This paper discusses the simulation modeling about the combined heat and power unit based on STAR-90 blocking simulation support system .

  15. 小型多联产总能系统即楼宇冷热电联产(BCHP)系统能够实现对一次能源合理的梯级利用,正是合理利用天然气资源的最佳途径和最有效手段。

    The Building Cooling Heating and Power Generation ( BCHP ) system can realize not only the most reasonable usage to the primary energy but also the best path and the most valid means to make use of the natural gas resources .

  16. 对1~3MW建筑冷热电联产系统,燃气内燃机具有明显的节能和经济效益,而燃气轮机联合循环适用于规模更大的系统。

    It can be concluded that gas engine has more advantages in energy saving and economic benefits for 1 ~ 3 MW building CCHP system , and gas turbine combined cycle would be applicable for larger CCHP system .

  17. 热电联产热、电分摊法分析

    Analysis on heat and electricity share method of pyroelectricity joint production

  18. 12MW热电联产装置运行总结

    Sum-Up of Operation of 12 MW Heat and Power Co-Production Unit

  19. 地方热电联产企业发展对策的探讨

    Discussion on Development Countermeasures of Local Combined Heat and Power Plants

  20. 热电联产工程项目财务评价方法与参数的意见

    Opinion of finance appraising method and parameter in heat-electricity unite production

  21. 山东热电联产机组在线监测系统的研究

    Study on on-line monitoring system for cogeneration units in Shandong Province

  22. 基于平衡原理的热电联产系统能量梯级利用

    Energy cascaded utilization for cogeneration systems based on exergy analysis models

  23. 冷热电联产系统的发展及前景

    Development and potential of combined cooling , heating and power system

  24. 对热电联产中热电耗热计算的建议

    Suggestion for heat consumption calculation for heat and electricity in cogeneration

  25. 我国热电联产发展的动向与展望

    Development and Prospects for Heat & Electricity Linking Production in China

  26. 黑龙江省发展热电联产集中供热问题探讨

    Discussion on Development of District Heating by Cogeneration in Heilongjiang Province

  27. 阐述了我国热电联产发展现状和今后的发展方向;

    States the development situation and direction of triple - generation .

  28. 建筑冷热电联产系统与可持续发展

    Building Cooling , Heat and Power Cogeneration System and Sustainable Development

  29. 热电联产与合理用能

    Using T. Combined Production of Thermal Power and Reasonable Utilization to Energy

  30. 积极推进热电联产与分布式能源系统的发展

    Actively advance the development of triple - generation and distributed energy system