
A video clip of a girl dancing at a pork stall in a village in Southwest China 's Yunnan province went viral online , moving many netizens .
The report caught traction on Twitter , and at one point on Saturday , Prince William 's name was trending on the platform , along with complaints that Stanley Tucci didn 't make the cut .
The news was also the most-searched topic on China 's biggest search engine , Baidu .
This becomes a trending topic on Weibo now .
Google has revealed what people in the UK have been searching for in 2018 .
I asked the analysts at Google to share some of the most commonly searched health questions .
Five-year-old Prince George was fourth , with his trademark Peter Pan collar shirts inspiring searches throughout the year .
Tsk-tsk , Google released its 2010 zeitgeist with its fatest growing and most popular terms of the year .
It included the couple 's initials , a Bible verse about husbands loving their wives and the hashtag \# bestisyettocome .
The most popular question on the pictorial chart , created by marketing agency Digitaloft is : ' Am I pregnant ? '
Google has released its top trending searches for 2013.The top searched item was Nelson Mandela , the former president of South Africa .
Take a moment and get the rundown of what 's hot , what 's trending , and what 's drawing the most buzz on the Chinese blogosphere .
Her marriage to Prince Harry , together with the wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank , helped ' Royal Wedding ' reach third on the overall list .
Meghan Markle , who topped the list last year , was knocked off her perch by the World Cup but still managed to be the second-most searched term in 2018 .
The show has been at the top on Weibo 's trendy list since the first episode debuted on July 19 , and netizens across China are calling it a sensation .
Nevertheless , as the chemistry gradually sparks between the two protagonists , the show 's ratings have soared . It also continues to top the trending lists on Chinese social media .
Google Search trends act as a cultural barometer , revealing what news , sports and events captured the nation 's interest over the last year , with the world 's most popular search engine turning 20 this year .
Privacy scandals helped ' How to delete Facebook ? ' become one of the most-asked questions using Google , while the dramatic rise and fall in cryptocurrency prices helped drive searches for ' What is bitcoin ? ' .
Several other celebrities like Stormy Daniels and Ant McPartlin also appeared on the lists , which covered a wide range of categories including top trending ' How to ... ? ' and ' What is ... ? ' queries .