
  1. 这些药,你要每天吃三次,并且记住要多喝热开水。

    Take this medicine three times a day and drink more hot water .

  2. 请拿一壶热开水给我。

    Please bring me a pot of hot water .

  3. 我要热开水。

    Hot water for me .

  4. 系列电脑控制器;商用即热开水机;家用多功能饮水机;

    The main products includes : heating unit , computer controller , commercial water heater , home use multi-purpose water dispenser ;

  5. 像西方国家一样,印度人一般爱喝生水,饭店和旅馆一般不供应热开水。

    Same as European , the Indian like cold water , usually , the resurant and the hotel do not supply hot boiled water .

  6. 泡茶之前先用一点热开水冲一下茶壶。当泡茶时隔住茶叶的装置。

    S - a little hot water around in the pot before steeping the tea . a device to keep back tea leaves when pouring a cup of tea .

  7. 通过对热管换热开水器热管凝结水进行分析试验研究,得知该凝结水可回收利用,经济价值可观。

    Through analysis , test and research on coagulated water in thermotube heat-exchange boiled water device , we are aware that the coagulated water can be retrieved and reused , and is of considerable economic value .