
rè gōng
  • thermotechnical
热工[rè gōng]
  1. 35t/h锅炉PLC热工监控系统设计

    Design of a Programmable Logic Controller-based Thermotechnical Control and Monitoring System for 35t / h Boilers

  2. 具有大延迟特性的热工过程的改进PI控制器

    An Improved PI Controller of Thermotechnical Processes with Substantial Time Delay Characteristics

  3. 基于BP网络的热工过程模型辨识方法

    Identification Method of Thermal Process Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 热工系统中PID参数的遗传算法整定

    Tuning of PID Parameters Based on Genetic Algorithm in the Thermal System

  5. 优化PID控制器研究及其在热工对象控制中的应用

    Research on Optimal PID Controller and Its Applications in Control of Thermal Plants

  6. 热工PID控制算法的适应性与局限性分析

    Adaptability and Limitation Analysis on PID Control Algorithm in I & C System

  7. 一种模糊PID控制在热工对象中的应用

    Fuzzy PID Control for Thermal Plants

  8. 基于ATP协议的恒温液态食品罐车热工性能测试研究

    Study on liquid foodstuff tanks in thermal performance test compliance with ATP agreement

  9. 电厂热工过程ARMA多参数辨识模型及应用

    ARMA multi-parameter identification model of power plant thermodynamic process and its application

  10. 计算机集散控制系统(DCS),在火力发电热工控制领域已经得到广泛应用,并取得了很好的效果。

    The distributed control system ( DCS ) is widely used in coal fired power plant with better results .

  11. PWR热工水力实验研究中的模拟问题

    The modeling problems in PWR thermal and hydraulic test research

  12. 导温系数a及定压比热Cp是热工计算中的两个重要参数,其数值测算的精度如何直接影响到许多相关专业。

    The coefficient of heat conductivity a and the specific heat at constant pressure C p are important coefficients .

  13. 介绍了虚拟仪器及其软件开发平台LabView,构建了适用于热工测量的虚拟仪器系统,并对其进行了成功的应用。

    This paper introduces the virtual instrument and its software developing platform Lab VIEW . The virtual instrument systems are set up and successfully used in heat measurment engineering .

  14. 介绍循环流化床运行特性和调节原理,阐述了设计与开发循环流化床工业锅炉热工自动控制系统的过程,特别是基于PC总线的计算机监控系统的开发,指出了设计选型时应注意的几个问题。

    Based on the features of operation and the principle of regulation , the design and development course of thermotechnical automatic system for industrial CFB boilers are described .

  15. 传统的PID调节算法在热工控制应用中存在着局限性,随着分散控制系统的广泛应用,使先进控制方法的使用成为可能。

    Traditional PID control algorithm has limitations when used in thermodynamic process control . As the distributed control systems being widely used , the use of advanced control methods become realistic .

  16. 作为单元机组的主控系统,有效的火电厂单元机组协调控制系统(CoordinatedControlSystem,CCS)是提升热工自动化水平、提高电厂经济效益的关键。

    As the main control system of unit plant , an effective thermal power plant unit coordinated control system is the key to raise the level of thermal automation and the economic efficiency of power plant .

  17. 利用FOXBASE解决蓄热法冬期施工热工检算

    The application of FOXBASE program in solving thermal problems of heat storing method in winter construction

  18. 为了使基于PCA的传感器故障检测和重构方法适用于非线性较严重的热工过程,对该方法进行了有效的改进。

    An improved PCA arithmetic model is applicable to nonlinear plant thermal processes using local PCA model for various power loads based on the historical data .

  19. 针对船用立式U形管自然循环蒸汽发生器,建立了能够描述其稳态及瞬态热工水力特性的数学物理模型,并编制了计算程序。

    For the vertical U-tube natural circulation steam generator in marine nuclear power plant , the mathematical physical models and calculating code to predicate the thermal hydraulic behaviours are established .

  20. 本文基于Fuzzy集合理论,根据待辨识系统的量测数据,应用Fuzzy推理合成规则,提出建立系统Fuzzy模型的新方法,通过建立水泥回转窑热工过程Fuzzy模型,证实了该方法的可行性。

    A new method to establish the fuzzy model of a process by fuzzy reasoning and composition ( FRC ) by the experimental data is presented . This method was successfully applied to the thermodynamic process of a rotary cement kiln .

  21. 对于系统的硬件设计,无油点火监控系统由一体化工控机(PC)、可编程控制器(PLC)、热工参数传感器、变送器等组成;

    The monitoring and controlling system in Jilin thermal power plant is constituted by a computer , a programmable logic controller ( PLC ), and thermal power engineering signal sensors , sender , controller , etc .

  22. CSSA仿真程序包及其在热工控制中的应用

    CSSA Simulation Software Package and its Application in Thermodynamic Control Design

  23. 本文依泰茨平均热流法,将过程数式化,给出轧钢两段式连续加热炉热工计算BASIC语言程序,包括燃料燃烧计算、炉内传热计算、钢坯加热计算及炉子热平衡计算。

    According to Taits mean heat flux method , this paper turned thermal process into formulation and offers a BASIC language program on thermal calculation of 2-zone reheating furnace , the calculation including fuel combustion , heat transfer in furnace , slab heating and thermal balance of furnace .

  24. 新的实验手段应研究各影响参数对CHF的作用,如利用微型光学探头和微型热电偶来对厚液层的流体性质和热工性质进行实验研究,以获得对CHF现象更深入的认识。

    So we need the new experimental methods , such as micro-optical probe , micro thermocouple etc. , to investigate the roles of those influential parameters in CHF .

  25. 研究还建议在使用CFD方法进行燃料组件格架热工水力分析前要先进行基准练习以保证分析结果的正确性。

    In order to ensure the correctness of prediction results , it suggests to take a benchmark exercise before the analysis of CFD thermal hydraulic analysis for a fuel assem-ble with spacers .

  26. 文中指出了智能PID控制器的研究方向和有待进一步解决的问题,对电厂热工过程控制系统中智能PID控制器的应用提出了建议。

    The research direction of the intelligent PID controller and problems remaining to be solved are pointed out and some proposal for the application of the intelligent PID controller in power plant thermal process control are also presented .

  27. 文中与资源分配网络(RAN)进行了详细的算例比较,并进一步计算了实际的热工非线性模型。

    In addition , the paper compares the new algorithm with the Resource-Allocating Network ( RAN ) by a typical calculation example in details , and finally applies the new algorithm for a nonlinear real thermal process modeling .

  28. 热工仪表管理信息系统(TMIS)是为企业热处理现代化管理而开发的一种实用软件。

    The thermo-instruments management information system ( TMIS ) is a practical software developed for modern heat treatment management in enterprise .

  29. 针对火电厂热工对象的变结构、变参数和时变等特点,不采用一般的单神经元自适应PID控制,而是在此基础上加以改进,采用基于单神经元的自适应逆控制方案。

    Aiming at the changing structure , changing parameter and time - varying etc in thermal system , this paper not using general single neuron adaptive PID controller , but introduced a new adaptive inverse control based on single neuron .

  30. 基于DMC存在的普遍问题及CFBB热工控制的复杂性,提出了本文的主要工作。

    Based on DMC 's problems at present and the complication of CFBB thermal control , the thesis put forward its main targets .