
kǎo miàn bāo
  • toast
烤面包 [kǎo miàn bāo]
  • [toast] 用热源烤成棕色的面包片

烤面包[kǎo miàn bāo]
  1. 吃点正常的食物,别净吃烤面包加果酱!

    Eat some proper food , not just toast and jam !

  2. 他被一块烤面包噎得透不过气来。

    He was choking on a piece of toast .

  3. 他坐在椅子上,嚼着烤面包片。

    He sat in a chair munching his toast .

  4. 谁还要烤面包片?

    Who 's for another round of toast ?

  5. 她啃着干巴巴的烤面包的一角。

    She nibbled at the corner of a piece of dry toast .

  6. 烤面包机持续开了一个多小时。

    The toaster remained on for more than an hour

  7. 星期天早晨,妈妈会烤面包,我就站在冰箱旁帮忙。

    Sunday mornings my mother would bake . I 'd stand by the fridge and help

  8. 马德里加尔夫人给另一片烤面包涂上了黄油。

    Mrs. Madrigal buttered another piece of toast

  9. 面粉和糖是烤面包最重要的原料。

    Flour and sugar are the most important ingredients in baking bread .

  10. 我的灯用60瓦,我的烤面包器用600瓦。

    My lamp uses 60 watts ; my toaster uses 600 watts .

  11. 我要咖啡,苹果汁,两片烤面包,夹果酱。

    I 'd like coffee , apple juice , two pieces of toast with marmalade .

  12. 面包师用大烤炉烤面包。

    Bakers bake in huge ovens .

  13. 母亲每个星期六烤面包。

    Mother bakes every saturday .

  14. 妈妈总是喜欢自己烤面包,从不在任何店里买。

    Mother has always had a thing about baking her own bread , she refuses to buy any from a shop .

  15. 自第一次修理工作以来,他还修好了坏掉的空调、洗衣机和烤面包机。

    Since that first repair job , a broken air-conditioner , a non-functioning washer and a non-toasting toaster have been fixed .

  16. 这一次,烤面包片的一面上不再涂黄油,而是写上了字母B。

    This time , instead of butter , the toast had a letter " B " written on one side .

  17. 这证明了墨菲定律是正确的:如果烤面包涂着黄油的那一面有可能朝下,那它就会朝下着地。

    This proved that Murphy ' s Law is true : If the toast can land butter-side down , it will do so .

  18. 我们早餐吃的是烤面包和果冻。

    We had toast and jelly at breakfast .

  19. 她用烤炉烤面包。

    She baked bread in an oven .

  20. 新烤面包的香味

    the delectable smell of freshly baked bread

  21. 我要一片烤面包。

    I want a slice of toast .

  22. 最后他开口说道:“孩子们,你们的母亲和我结婚50多年了,他的烹饪手艺简直棒极了。现在我还能闻到烤面包的香味呢。萨拉,去给我拿一片吧。”

    Finally , he said , " My children , your mother and I have been married for more than 50 years-and she can cook wonderfully . Even now I smell bread baking . Sarah , be good and go and get me a piece . "

  23. Oak将继续沿着“智能烤面包机”的道路进化,而不会成为Java的基础。

    Oak would have continued along the evolutionary path leading to " smart toasters " instead of becoming the foundation for Java .

  24. 要是州长不改变他的教育政策,他就会怎么呐?Toast不是烤面包吗?

    LL : If the Governor doesn 't change his education policies , Li Hua , I think he is toast .

  25. 在城的另一端,西村圆筒冰激凌店(Cones)里的玉米冰激凌有烤面包的底色,外面撒了一层肉桂。

    Across town , at Cones , in the West Village , corn ice cream comes with a toasty undertone and a dusting of cinnamon .

  26. 厨具包括一套盘子,一组叉子,德力牌烤面包机,价值2700英镑来自FracinoContempoCoffeeMachine的咖啡机,可制作咖啡吧水准的饮品。

    Copper accents include a set of pans , the knife block and Dualit toaster , while a £ 2700 Fracino Contempo Coffee Machine provides barista standard drinks .

  27. 无聊大会过去讨论的话题包括打喷嚏、IBM收款机、烤面包、自动售货机的声音、条形码、海上天气预报,还有其它类似的没人感兴趣的话题。

    Past topics of discussion at the Boring Conference have included - sneezing , IBM tills , toast , vending machine sounds , barcodes , the Shipping Forecast and other such topics of no interest to anyone .

  28. 如果这个原因还不足以让你来看看,那么这里还有各式各样的红酒及地中海式菜肴,比如意大利袋形芝士配欧芹酱(Burratawithsalsaverde)和碳烤面包(charredbread),正好可以多人分享。

    If that 's not reason enough to check it out , the wine list is extensive , and the menu of Mediterranean inspired dishes , like the Burrata with salsa verde and charred bread ( $ 17 ) , are just right for sharing with a group .

  29. VermontNovelty烤面包机公司靠着能烤出带有耶稣和和平符号面包的面包机起家,并于去年五月推出自拍烤面包机。此后,他们产品的销量就疯涨了10倍,公司持有者及首席执行官伽林·戴夫利(GalenDively)说。

    The Vermont Novelty Toaster Corporation , which started out offering toasters that transferred images of Jesus and a peace sign onto browned bread , saw its sales shoot up 1000 percent since it began offering the Selfie Toaster last May , said Galen Dively , owner and chief executive .

  30. 母亲喜欢吃点粥,或者烤面包和牛奶。

    Mother likes a bit porridge or toast bread and milk .