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烈女 [liè nǚ]
  • [a woman who died in defence of her honour chastity or virginity] 刚正有节操的女子;抗拒强暴或殉夫而死的女子

  1. 她真不愧是一位贞节烈女呀!

    Only a great woman will die to defend her chastity .

  2. 明天我们学习贞节烈女的事迹。

    Tomorrow we 'll study stories of virtuous women .

  3. 明朝是产生节妇烈女的高峰朝代。

    The Ming Dynasty is a peak period when chaste and pure women emerged .

  4. 节妇烈女和宋代的政治,道德,和性别观念。

    Faithful wives and heroic maidens : Politics , Virtue , and Gender in Song China .

  5. 她是作者理想化的人物,是三从四德的缩影,节妇烈女的化身。

    She is a character idealized by the author and the embodiment of women of moral integrity .

  6. 此外,官方的奖励和家族的赈济亦成为少许节妇烈女生活的经济来源之一。

    Their economic sources were spinning and weaving , being hired , planting and prostitute in addition , the government 's award and the clan 's aid .

  7. 这些贞妇烈女成了他们维护礼教、大倡儒道的牺牲品,同时她们又作为一种话语权力压迫着现实中的女性。

    These chaste women become the victims of maintaining the Confucian ethical codes and advocating Confucianism , at the same time , they oppressed women in reality as a kind of words power .

  8. 贞节观限定范围以外性活动的罪孽感,不但是造成窦娥悲剧的主要原因,而且是造成历史上无数烈女贞妇悲剧命运的重要因素。

    Sexual activities against the concept of chastity bring about a strong sense of sin , which is not only the main cause of tragedy to Dou'e but also an important factor for the tragic fate to countless " paragons of chastity " in history .