- Spotting;fixed fire;firing in bursts

[firing in bursts;fixed fire] 自动步枪、冲锋枪、机枪等自动武器每次发射两发以上的断续射击。有短点射和长点射。点射射击精度较好,有利于节省子弹和更有效地消灭敌人动目标
An arrow went past his car , narrowly missing his head .
Response characteristics analysis for the burst-firing model in man-weapon systems
He missed the target by a hair .
Another 16 cases of allergic rhinitis were treated with microwave to the nasal septum and inferior turbinate .
Planck found it necessary to assume that the light was emitted as a series of little bursts of energy .
The calculation of antiaircraft gun burst firing kill probability is very complex and needs to be simplified in some ways .
Response characteristics of the man weapon system is analysed and calculated by building dynamic models in burst firing from a standing position .
The burst firing of four different targets of an antiaircraft gun is counted by the simulation and the corresponding kill probabilities is obtained , and compared with the analytic method .
The mathematics module for damage probability of warship small caliber gun includes relative coordinate system , shooting error analysis of weapon system for warship artillery , the damage probability calculation of multi-warship artillery for one-time firing and damage probability calculation of full-voyage .
Methods Sixty-three patients with perennial allergic rhinitis whose symptoms failed to be controlled by medication received nasal endoscopic surgery for submucous resection of the nasal septum combined with radiofrequency ablation of the bilateral sphenopalatine foramen , anterior ethmoidal nerve and inferior nasal concha .