
  1. 肯德基双层炸鸡汉堡-KFCdoubledown:两片多汁的炸鸡夹着芝士和培根

    Cheese and bacon sandwiched between two fillets of juicy fried chicken ;

  2. 还记得肯德基(KFC)在2010年推出的双层炸鸡汉堡(DoubleDown)吗?

    Remember KFC 's Double Down of 2010 ?

  3. 虽然加拿大人身边也有诸如“肯德基双层炸鸡汉堡”、“奶油松糕”“甜甜圈汉堡”等美国佳肴*,但他们做梦都想着从美国的饕餮大宴中分到更多的美味。

    While some delicacies like the " KFC double down , " " twinkies , " and the " Krispy Kreme burger " have made their way up * , Canadians dream of more options from the US 's plethora of fine foods .

  4. 你们可以卖素炸鸡,还有汉堡等等。

    You can sell things like vegetarian chicken , hamburgers and all that .

  5. 梅丽尔究竟从快餐连锁店里点了什么还未确认,但突然之间,我想先弄清楚她喜欢炸鸡块还是汉堡。

    There is no confirmation on what exactly Meryl ordered from the fast food chain , but suddenly , finding out if she is a nugget gal or a hamburger gal is a top priority for me .

  6. 如果你不喜欢这种搭配也没关系,在当地的油炸小吃店里还有许多其它食物供你选择,如:香肠,炸鸡,牛肉汉堡和肉末馅饼等等。

    And if you don 't fancy fish with your chips , there is today a much larger choice of food available at the local chippy such as sausages , fried chicken , chicken nuggets , beef burgers and spam fritters .