
Hot afternoon , the scent of green tea to drink , not only Qingre heat , but also antidote thirst , it is summer the best choice for health .
And when we sat down again for this profile interview one hot summer afternoon late last month , there was only one way to begin our conversation : with the blatantly obvious .
The cows swish their tails beneath them on hot afternoons ; they paint rivers so green that when a moorhen dives one expects to see its feathers all green when it comes up again .
Martha Washington had as great a love of mischief as I. Two little children were seated on the veranda steps one hot July afternoon . One was black as ebony , with little bunches of fuzzy hair tied with shoestrings sticking out all over her head like corkscrews .
And in a hospital one hot afternoon , doctor said " There 's nothing we can do . "
the hot , drugged midday silence when everything is hypnotised and stilled into silence by the eye of the sun ;
burning up hot afternoons in malls and movie theaters ; and bombarding blogger Erin HufiF-stetler , who writes about frugal living , with questions about the merits of tinting their windows dark to block the sun .
They 're buying ceiling fans and programmable thermostats ; burning up hot afternoons in malls and movie theaters ; and bombarding blogger Erin Huffstetler , who writes about living , with questions about the merits of tinting their windows dark to block the sun .