
  1. 苎麻疫霉的EST、CAT、PPO的同工酶电泳图谱显示,供试菌株的同工酶有一定差异,但没有找到与抗甲霜灵特性相关联的酶带。

    The results showed that isozyme spectra of EST , PPO and CAT were different in tested isolates , but that there were no bands observed relative to the metalaxyl-resistance .

  2. 25%福美双·克百威·萎锈灵悬浮种衣剂液相色谱分析

    Analysis of 25 % Thiram + Carbofuran + Carboxin SC for Seed Coating by HPLC

  3. 通过概率密度函灵数及平均相轨线的分析,指出该系统在这两种情况下作所谓的混沌随机运动。

    Through the analysis of their probability density func-tion and mean trajectory , it shows that this system in these two cases can occur chaotic stochastic mo-tion .

  4. 你的灵和我们的灵,二灵相交,二灵相调,成为一灵!

    These two spirits , Your Spirit and our spirit , are mingled as one spirit !